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The first product created together with a customer. Overcome heightened expectations with love and respect for the original work! “Stage “Licorice Recoil” Life won’t wait.” Interview with Misato Kawachi, Akiho Motonishi, Mieko Ishii, and Nonoka ObuchiThe second stage adaptation of the original TV anime “Licorice Recoil” “Stage “Licorice Recoil” Life won’t wait.” will be held at Tokyo Dome City Theater from June 7th (Friday) to June 16th (Sunday), 2024. It will be performed at G Rosso.

Anime / Manga

The first part, “Lycorice Recoil”, which was performed in January last year and received great acclaim, had many people looking forward to the second part, as it did not depict the end of the anime. I wonder if there is?

Here, we have gathered together the female cast of Cafe Rico Rico, Misato Kawachi who plays Chizuka Nishikigi, Akiho Motonishi who plays Takina Inoue, Mieko Ishii who plays Mizuki Nakahara, and Nonoka Obuchi who plays Kurumi. We asked them to look back on the bullet and talk about their enthusiasm for the second bullet.

*Contains spoilers for the original TV anime “Lycorice Recoil”.

–Please tell us your honest thoughts when it was decided that the production of “Lycorice Recoil: Life won’t wait.” would be performed.

Mieko Ishii (hereinafter referred to as Ishii) who plays Mizuki Nakahara: Everyone watched the anime to the end, so I want to go to Hawaii! With this in mind, even during the first production period, whenever I had a chance, I would say, “Hawaii, Hawaii.” So when the decision was made, I thought I might be able to go to Hawaii (laughs). I haven’t written the script or directed it yet, but I wonder if it can be called “Iden Speak English”…

Everyone: (lol)

Nonoka Obuchi (hereinafter referred to as Obuchi) who plays Kurumi: The first thing I thought was, “I’m going to spend a month and a half with this group again! Yay!” During the first two weeks of the first performance, I only talked to Anna Ijiri (who plays Erika Janome), who was sitting close to me (lol), but after the performance, I became friends with everyone. That’s why I think this rehearsal will also be special.

In terms of the story, I wonder how they will recreate the thrilling scene in the second half of the anime that shows the bond between Senzoku and Takina! I tought. As a fan, I’m really looking forward to it!

Misato Kawachi (hereinafter referred to as Kawachi) who plays the role of Chizoku Nishikiki: I am very happy to be able to work on the second series with the members who worked together on the first series. The first series was loved by our customers, so I hope we can connect that passion.

This time, just like Senzoku and Takina, Kurumi and Mizuki will also be thinking about someone and struggling for someone. The DA (*Direct Attack, a secret organization that prevents crime; Senzoku and Takinamo own the license) team also includes Mika (played by Keigo Kitamura) and Yoshi-san (played by Shinji Yoshimatsu). Kento Ono) and Majima (played by Hiroki Nakata) are all working towards their own vectors, and I don’t know if they are good or bad, but they are working hard. I think the climax scene in the second half where they collide is a highlight on stage, and I’m excited to see how it will spread throughout the venue.

Akiho Motonishi (hereinafter referred to as Motonishi) who plays Takina Inoue: It’s all about what the three of us said, but in the first part, many people who had never seen a play go to the theater. I have the impression that he gave it to me. That made us very happy.

I think this sequel is possible because of the people who loved both the anime and the stage play, so I was very happy and grateful. I’m sure there are many people who are looking forward to the sequel, which has a lot to offer, so right now we’re just going to face it seriously without making any compromises, and the entire company will do our best to make it a wonderful work.

–What was the reaction to the first edition?

Kawachi: I felt that there were many customers who had never seen a play before and experienced it for the first time with Roriko.'' That's why, at first, I think there were a lot of people who said, The anime is interesting, but what about the stage version of Rikoriko?”

After the first day, I was very happy to hear that the audience thought, “The stage version is also interesting!” In fact, we have heard such opinions and heard rumors. So, as we performed more and more performances, we began to feel the positive reactions from the audience.

Everyone: It was!






2〜3日それが続いたから、演出の山崎彬さんに本気で相談に行ったんですよ。「ミズキ、ヤバいんです。思い切りやればやるほど、皆さん私のことが見えていない感じがするんです……どうしましょう?」と言ったら「ミズキはそれがいいんだよ!」と言われて、「そうですか! じゃあ頑張ります!」と。





河内:それは沢山あります! どうですか?













Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

