“SPY×FAMILY” is a spy action comedy based on the manga by Tatsuya Endo, which is currently being serialized in “Shonen Jump+”. The skilled spy “Tasogare” disguises himself as psychiatrist Lloyd Forger for a top-secret mission and forms a “temporary family” with Anya, a psychic who can read other people’s minds, and Yoru, an assassin. While hiding their true identities from each other, they take on various missions for world peace.
The TV anime series will begin broadcasting in Season 1 in April 2022 and Season 2 in October 2023, and quickly became a hot topic, trending on social media. In December 2023, the first animated film in the series, “SPY×FAMILY CODE: White,” was released, and was a huge hit, attracting 4.44 million viewers and grossing over 6.2 billion yen. At the special event “SPY×FAMILY ANIME EXTRA MISSION” held in June this year, it was announced that a sequel, Season 3, will be produced.
In this “SPY×FAMILY All Episodes Free Broadcast”, all 37 episodes of Season 1 and Season 2 will be broadcast consecutively from 6:00 on both July 31st and August 1st. In addition, all episodes will be available to enjoy for free for one week from midnight on July 31st. This is a chance for those who have not seen it yet and those who want to relive it to watch it all at once. Don’t miss this opportunity to watch the Forger family’s struggles on “ABEMA”.
■Outline of free broadcast of all episodes of “SPY×FAMILY”
<Broadcast date and time>
・Season 1 (No. 1-25)
Broadcast date and time: Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 6:00 AM – 5:30
PM Thursday, August 1,
2024 *You can watch No. 1-25 for free for one week starting from Wednesday, July 31 (from midnight on Wednesday, July 31 to 11:59 PM on Tuesday, August 7).
・Season 2 (No. 26-37)
Broadcast date and time: July 31, 2024 (Wednesday) 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm
August 1 (Thursday) 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm
*No. 26-37 will be available for free for one week from July 31 (Wednesday) (from midnight on July 31 (Wednesday) to 11:59 pm on August 7 (Tuesday)).
Broadcast channel: ABEMA Anime Channel 2
(C) Tatsuya Endo/Shueisha, SPY×FAMILY Production Committee