“The Quintessential Quintuplets” is a romantic comedy based on the manga of the same name by Negi Haruma, which was serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine until February 2020. The story is about Fuutarou Uesugi, the main character who boasts the top grades in his school year, who becomes a tutor for the Nakano family’s quintuplets, beautiful girls who hate studying and are on the verge of failing, and guides them to graduation from high school.
The first season of the TV anime will be broadcast from January to March 2019, and the second season will be broadcast from January to March 2021. The movie The Quintessential Quintuplets,'' which depicts the final event of Fuutarou and the quintuplets' high school life, the
school festival,” will be released on May 20, 2022, and the story will reach its climax. In July 2023, “The Quintessential Quintuplets∽”, which is a film based on episodes from the original story that had not yet been depicted in the anime, was released in theaters.
The Nakano family quintuplets, Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Satsuki that appear in “The Quintessential Quintuplets∽” will each be newly drawn as “Starry Sky Maid ver.” and released as seven items.
The “Full Graphic T-shirt” with a large illustration printed on the front will be useful in a variety of situations, from everyday life to events.
The “Glitter iPhone Case” has sparkling glitter that sways within the case, making it attractive to carry around the world of the work as an iPhone case.
The “Die-cut Acrylic Smartphone Stand” can be displayed on a desk, etc., and you can enjoy it as an art object without having to place your smartphone on it.
The “mouse pad” uses rubber-treated fabric on the back to prevent slipping, allowing you to concentrate on your work. Even when not being used as a mouse pad, it can be used as an interior decoration to create a daily life with characters.
The 76mm Glitter Can Badge, which is a can badge with a newly drawn illustration decorated with glitter, is a great item to attach to your bag or accessory. The size is large, approximately 76mm in diameter, making it easy to carry around the cute quintuplets.
The “Hologram Stick Acrylic Key Chain” is a stick-shaped version of a newly drawn illustration. The front side is hologram-processed, and the back side is designed with each character’s name.
Sarasa Clip Ballpoint Pen'' is a gel ink ballpoint pen sold by stationery manufacturer
Zebra” that has a design that shows illustrations of each character from all sides. A retractable ballpoint pen with pigment ink that has excellent water resistance and light resistance, and features a smooth writing feel.
Reservations for each item will be accepted until May 30, 2024. Scheduled to be shipped sequentially from late August.
(C) Haruba Negi/Kodansha/“The Quintessential Quintuplets∽” Production Committee