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“TV Anime ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’ Kaigyoku/Tamaori/Shibuya Incident Official Guidebook” will be released on October 4th! Parts of the staff and voice actor interviews are released in advanceA portion of the interview has been released in advance from the “TV Anime Jujutsu Kaisen Kaigyoku/Tamaori/Shibuya Incident Official Guidebook,” which will be released on Friday, October 4, 2024!

Director Shota Goshozono, animation producer Keisuke Seshita, Junya Enoki (voice of Itadori Yuji), Yuuma Uchida (voice of Fushiguro Megumi), and Asami Seto (voice of Kugisaki Nobara) talk about their thoughts on the work and characters from their own perspectives.

  • The second season of the TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” begins with the past arc “Kaitama-Tamaori”. Was there anything you were conscious of when creating “Kaitama-Tamaori”?

Director Goshozono: “For “Kaitama: Tamaori,” I had a theme of my own: how to interpret the reason for Geto’s fall into darkness and his actions and incorporate them into the anime. So I created it while thinking about that theme. As a result, I came to the interpretation that Geto’s actions of killing non-sorcerers and creating a world of sorcerers only were not something he did on his own, but that Geto’s own stress piled up on top of the mountain of stress that the world of sorcery had been building up for a long time, until he finally broke through and acted. This interpretation was the axis on which I created “Kaitama: Tamaori.” Also, it’s hard to put it into words, but there is also an aspect of it being made as a “youth idol movie” of Gojo and Geto. I thought it was important to emphasize that both of them are cool and attractive.”

–In that sense, was there also a desire to “emphasize youth”?

Director Goshozono: “I think one of the charms of Jujutsu Kaisen is that it betrays expectations in a good way. For example, in “Kaitama/Tamaori,” the story goes from a bright and fun coming-of-age movie about Gojo and Geto to a rift when Riko dies and Gojo and Geto fall out. That’s the biggest “betrayal” in the story. So, until we got to that big “betrayal,” I was conscious of creating an emotional gap by going all the way to the polar opposite of a “bright and fun coming-of-age movie.”

–Mr. Seshita, was there anything you were conscious of when creating “Kaitama/Tamaori”?

Seshita: “For me it’s simple. First of all, make Gojo and Geto look cool. The artwork is important to make the characters look appealing, but the colors and lighting on the screen are also important. So I was conscious of keeping the overall visual appeal of the screen.”

-Did you two agree on the visual image?

Seshita-san: “I wanted to understand Goshozono’s image and to have that image penetrate the staff on-site, so we had to make various adjustments when we were making the first promotional video. After all, creating a video is the easiest way to share the image. We took a lot of time to do it properly.”

Director Goshozono: “Yes, I did a lot (laughs). Speaking of the PV, I was glad that I came up with the idea of adding drums to the music.”

Seshita: “That’s right.”

*Excerpts from the interview in the official guidebook






監督をはじめとする製作スタッフ9名&出演キャストのコメンタリーとともにTVアニメ『呪術廻戦』第2期 懐玉・玉折/渋谷事変を振り返るガイドブックが登場! TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』製作陣の想いが詰まったファン必読の一冊です。

TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』 懐玉・玉折/渋谷事変 公式ガイドブックには、今回、一部先行公開された“御所園監督×瀬下プロデューサー対談”、“榎木淳弥×内田雄馬×瀬戸麻沙美「渋谷事変」鼎談”に加え、“中村悠一×櫻井孝宏「懐玉・玉折」対談”や、“えびなやすのり×照井順政×小林健樹 音楽・音響 鼎談”など、製作スタッフ&出演キャストのコメンタリーをたっぷりと収録。さらに、キャラクター紹介、各種設定資料集や、芥見下々先生の感想コメント・イラスト等も収録されています。

なお、TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』公式サイトでは、10月2日(水)に、“えびなやすのり×照井順政×小林健樹 音楽・音響 鼎談”、10月3日(木)に、“中村悠一×櫻井孝宏「懐玉・玉折」対談”の一部を先行公開予定です!










・監督・御所園翔太×アニメーションプロデューサー・瀬下恵介 対談

・えびなやすのり×照井順政×小林健樹 音楽・音響 鼎談


・芥見下々 感想コメント/イラスト


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