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“Paradox Live THE ANIMATION” Post-broadcast event daytime official report has arrived! The first newly written reading of the work will be performed | New information on the stage play “Paradox Live on Stage” also announcedThe official report of the “Paradox Live THE ANIMATION” Special After Event, a post-broadcast event for the TV anime “Paradox Live THE ANIMATION” held at Sun Pearl Arakawa on Saturday, April 27, 2024, has arrived!

Anime / Manga

This event includes Gakuto Kajiwara, Ayumu Murase (night session only), 96 Neko, Ryota Takeuchi, Isamu Hayashi, Yusuke Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Toyonaga (day session only), Takayuki Kondo, and Yano. A total of 9 people, including Shogo, will appear.

In addition to a talk corner looking back on the main anime series and a newly written recitation, new information about the play “Paradox Live on Stage” was also announced, creating a great excitement.

Today, April 27th (Saturday), the post-anime broadcast event “‘Paradox Live THE ANIMATION’ Special After Event” was held at Sun Pearl Arakawa. [Daytime] From “BAE”, Gakuto Kajiwara (Suzakuno Allen), 96 Neko (Anne Faulkner), from “The Cat’s Whiskers”, Ryota Takeuchi (Naoaki Nishimon), Isamu Hayashi (Shohei Kanbayashi) Yusuke Kobayashi (Kanbata Yatonogami), Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Nayuta Yatonogami) from “cozmez”, Takayuki Kondo (role Iori Suishi) and Shogo Yano (Reo Maruyama) from “Rogues” Eight people took the stage. We held a retrospective talk about “Paradox Live THE ANIMATION” which was broadcast in October last year, and a reading play written specifically for this event by Takayo Igami, who is the scriptwriter of the original work and animation.

The event began with the opening video of the anime being played, and 96 Neko, the voice of heaven, brought in seven cast members to the venue where expectations were high. The excitement in the venue was accelerated by each team’s unique greetings.

The first corner of the event was the “MY BEST SCENE” corner where the cast members enthusiastically talked about their favorite scenes from the anime. 96 Neko, Ryota Takeuchi, Yusuke Kobayashi, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, and Shogo Yano will introduce their favorite scenes from “Paradox Live THE ANIMATION.”

Ryota Takeuchi, who played Naoaki Saimon, chose the scene from “ep.07 LOVE” where Shiki stands in the rain after being reunited with Nayuta. The same scene has been depicted in slightly different ways in the TV anime, the drama CD of the original Paradox Live,” the novel Paradox Live Hidden Track "MEMORY," and the play Paradox Live on Stage” (hereinafter referred to as Paraste''). Ryota Takeuchi, who also plays the same role in Paraste”, said, It's a scene full of memories and all kinds of TCW love,'' and Isamu Hayashi said, There’s a lot to draw from,” and the audience burst into laughter.

Yusuke Kobayashi, who played Yatonoue Kanabata, picked up the scene where Kanabata screams when he learns the truth'' from ep.11 MEMORIES”. Looking back on one of the most serious scenes in the film, he says, “The play where the heart is broken was much harder than I expected,” he said.

The next “Mini Stage Battle” corner is a game/quiz battle in which the cast members are divided into two teams. Team A, consisting of Gakuto Kajiwara, Ryota Takeuchi, Yusuke Kobayashi, and Takayuki Kondo, and team B, consisting of Isamu Hayashi, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, and Shogo Yano, will compete for points.

The first game played was the table tennis mini game “Create a Miracle! Ping Pong Ball Hole in One!” It was supposed to be a simple game of bouncing a ping pong ball and catching it with a slender wine glass, but it turned into chaos on stage with the ping pong balls scattered in all directions and the cast moving around trying to catch them. The venue was filled with laughter at the comical scene.

After both teams got 2 points, the next game was High-speed rapping is a skill! A tongue twister showdown!'' Takayuki Kondo was the first person to try a game where the characters listed on a piece of paper drawn in a lottery had to say a specified tongue twister. The contestants will try their hand at tongue twisters under the theme of Glitter Idol,” and the winner will be Shogo Yano, who tried tongue twisters as a game commentator.'' Ryota Takeuchi, who took on the next challenge, drew a character called Chuunibyou”. There was a lot of laughter from the audience as Ryota Takeuchi turned into a character and performed tongue twisters. The final result of the match that continued after that was a tie.

最高に温まった状態でいよいよお楽しみの「朗読劇コーナー」へ。Paradox Liveシリーズを通じても初となるオリジナルの朗読劇に会場の期待が高まる中、照明が落ちた会場のスクリーンに「Paradox Live THE ANIMATION」の世界が映し出され原作ボイスドラマ・アニメ脚本を手掛ける伊神貴世新規書き下ろしの朗読劇がスタート。

『アレンのバイト・リターンズ』とタイトル付けられた昼公演の物語は、矢戸乃上 珂波汰(小林裕介)と矢戸乃上 那由汰(豊永利行)の会話から始まります。馴染みのレコードショップからなんとThe Cat‘s Whiskersが営む「Bar 4/7(セブンフォー)」まで、神出鬼没に一日限りのアルバイトをするアレンを中心に、各チームのスペシャルストーリーが展開されます。

朗読劇が終わり会場内に明かりが灯ると、余韻でいっぱいの会場に、大きな拍手が巻き起こりました。告知コーナーでは舞台「Paradox Live on Stage THE LIVE ~All ARTISTS~」が7月27日(土)28(日)に品川ステラボールにて開催されることが解禁され、「Paradox Live on Stage」初の【スタンディングライブ】かつ公演ごとに異なる内容が楽しめる【回替わりコーナー】の実施が決定いたしました。

そして迎えたエンディングでは、出演者がひとりひとり挨拶として「Paradox Live THE ANIMATION」への思いを語ります。朱雀野 アレン役を務めた梶原岳人が「これからもParadox Liveをより大きくしていけるように頑張っていきたい」と締め、に会場の大きな拍手とともに、放送後イベント「『Paradox Live THE ANIMATION』 Special After Event」は幕を閉じました。

本イベント昼夜公演のアーカイブチケットは5/11(土)まで絶賛発売中。【夜の部】には「BAE」の燕 夏準を演じる村瀬歩さんも登壇し、【昼の部】とはまた異なる書き下ろしオリジナル朗読劇『レインボーネオンドッグを探せ!』を披露していますので、ぜひご覧ください。

タイトル:「Paradox Live THE ANIMATION」 Special After Event


昼の部【開場】14:15 【開演】15:00

夜の部【開場】17:30 【開演】18:15



The Cat’s Whiskers:竹内良太・林勇





昼の部公演:生配信 15:00公演チケット 3,980円(税込)

夜の部公演:生配信 18:15公演チケット 3,980円(税込)

通しチケット:生配信 昼の部・夜の部公演チケット7,000円(税込)





各公演開始 ~ 2023年5月11日(土)23:59












今回のTHE LIVEは“スタンディングライブ”! 公演ごとに曲目が異なる“回替わりコーナー”もお楽しみに。


【昼の部】開場13:30 開演14:30

【夜の部】開場17:30 開演18:30


【昼の部】開場12:00 開演13:00

【夜の部】開場16:00 開演17:00




7月27日(土)夜の部:The Cat’s Whiskers








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Anime Information Site for English

