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“Zegapain” Reset Festival 2024 will be held on the Maihama server! A talk event will be held with Shintaro Asanuma, Ayako Kawasumi, and Director Masami Shimoda.”Zegapain” is an original TV anime produced by Sunrise that was broadcast in 2006. The new sequel to the TV series, “Zegapain STA”, is currently being screened to great acclaim.

To commemorate the release of “Zegapain STA,” the “Zegapain Reset Festival 2024” @ Maihama Server was held on Saturday, August 31, a day of great significance for the work. A talk event was held with Asanuma Shintaro, the voice of Sogoru Kyo, Kawasumi Ayako, the voice of Misaki Shizuno, and director Shimoda Masami.

▲ From the left: Director Masami Shimoda, Ayako Kawasumi, and Shintaro Asanuma

“Zegapain” is a science fiction robot anime produced by Sunrise that was broadcast on TV in 2006. The latest sequel, “Zegapain STA”, is now in theaters from Friday, August 16th!

The story depicts a battle between Sogol Kyo, who awakens on the Maihama server in winter, and a new threat, Alter Moda, with their respective worlds and existences at stake.

To commemorate its release, the “Zegapain Reset Festival 2024 @ Maihama Server” was held at Cinema Ikspiari in Maihama, Chiba Prefecture on Saturday, August 31st.

In addition to screenings of the previous film, “Zegapain ADP,” released in 2016, and “Zegapain STA” Alter Moda Arc (note: “Zegapain STA,” currently in theaters, is usually screened in two parts, “Reminiscence Arc” and “Altamoda Arc”), there will be a talk show featuring Asanuma Shintaro, who plays the main character Sogoru Kyo, Kawasumi Ayako, who plays Misaki Shizuno, and director Shimoda Masami.

On August 31st, the day the Maihama server is reset in the TV series, we will bring you coverage of the exciting event that took place in Maihama, the setting of the work.

Amidst thunderous applause, Asanuma, Kawasumi, and director Shimoda took the stage, and the talk show began with Asanuma saying, “The sky over Maihama is a little cloudy, but I hope that everyone’s hearts will be clear after watching Zegapain,” a play on the subtitle of the 25th episode of the TV series, “Is the Sky Over Maihama Blue?”

As this was the first event to take place in Maihama in eight years, Kawasumi spoke of her love for Maihama, saying, “Since I became involved with ‘Zegapain,’ I feel like Maihama has taken on a special place in my heart. Although it has a science fiction world view, it is set in a real place, and there is a contrast between that and the people who love Maihama and want to protect this place. I thought that this is possible only because Maihama actually exists on the way here.”

At this event, the previous film “Zegapain ADP” and the currently released “Zegapain STA” Alter Moda edition were screened, and this was the staff’s idea to have the audience watch the two back to back. When asked about the intention behind this, Director Shimoda mentioned that the two films were planned almost simultaneously, and explained, “While this “STA” is a continuation of the TV series, I’ve made it as a direct sequel to “ADP”. If you watch it all the way through, it feels like Kyo Ver. 1’s (Kyo from “ADP”) way of life is complete.”

In the TV series, Kyo loses her memory, and the presence of the other heroine, Kaminagi Ryoko, increases, so it seemed to her regret that Shizuno, who has been forgotten, was put in a sad position. “When I was making ‘ADP,’ I thought that I wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I depicted the conclusion between Kyo Ver. 1 and Shizuno,” she said, expressing the strong feelings she had for this work.

On the other hand, Kawasumi commented with a big smile, “When I was doing the TV series, I didn’t really feel like Shizuno was unrewarded. I thought that it was enough for Shizuno if Kyo remembered her at the end. So I was satisfied with the depiction of the old relationship between Kyo and Shizuno in ‘ADP,’ but I never thought it would go beyond that, so I was like, is that okay?!”[147]

She also said, “Looking back, I’m surprised Shizuno played a high school student at all. She seems too sad for a third-year high school student (laughs),” drawing laughter from the audience.

Next came the section where they answered questions that had been posted in advance on the website.

When asked how he understood the specialized terminology and complex world setting back in 2006, Asanuma reminisced, “I remember always asking the director and sound director questions. For example, the data is inside a computer, but you can’t grab the data and take it outside, so you insert a USB. They would tell me that this USB is Artir… and I would keep saying, ‘I see!'”

According to Kawasumi, Asanuma shared the information about the worldview and terminology that he had learned in this way with the cast members every week.

Furthermore, when asked about the new mechanics introduced in this release, Director Shimoda revealed some behind-the-scenes information about the Ortik Zega, the robot piloted by Alter Moda, saying, “When there was no story yet, the original author, Takehiko Ito, said to me, ‘I want to create a Zega 10 years in the future,’ and from there we began thinking about what the Holonic Loader would be like in 10 years’ time, and development began.”







下田監督は「こんな日が来るとは夢にも思っていませんでした。テレビシリーズから18 年経って初めてお話することができた内容もあって、有意義な時間でした。これからも頑張っていきますので、応援よろしくお願いします」とコメント。

川澄さんはテレビシリーズ第16 話で舞浜サーバーがリセットされた8月31日をこうして共有できたことに感謝しつつ、「こうやって監督とお話するたびに、いくらでも『ゼーガペイン』のアイデアがあると知ることができて私自身もうれしいです。また何年後かに舞浜で会うことができたら」と今後の展開へ期待を寄せた。





場所:シネマ イクスピアリ(シアター4)



MC 廣岡祐次

※タイトルの読み方は「ゼーガペイン エス ティー エー」

大ヒット上映中(2024年8月16日(金) 特別上映)












原作:矢立 肇,伊東岳彦



デザインディレクター:ハタイケ ヒロユキ

メカニックデザイン:中原れい,神宮司訓之,やまだ たかひろ,福島秀機,石渡マコト(ニトロプラス),柳瀬敬之





撮影監督:髙倉 誠









マオ・ルーシェン:朴 璐美




クリス:家中 宏












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Anime Information Site for English

