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Spring anime “Where is the end train going?” ” An interview with Chika Anzai, who plays the main character Shizuru Chikura! | “Episode 1 is just the beginning, and from now on, this work will become even more intense and show off its unique personality that will make you choke.”The original anime “Where will the End of the Train go?” began broadcasting on April 1, 2024. ”. Director Tsutomu Mizushima and Michiko Yokote have teamed up again to create a mysterious adventure with the theme of “apocalyptic world x trains x friendship.”

Anime / Manga

“Where is the Doomsday Train going?” ” In conjunction with the broadcast of the first episode, we spoke to Chika Anzai, who plays the main character Shizuru Chikura, about her impressions of the first episode, as well as various things about the characters, worldview, and the appeal of the work that Anzai feels.

A story about girls living ordinary lives in a somewhat strange and mysterious world. Let’s take a closer look at its charm.

*This article contains spoilers for episode 1. Please watch it after watching episode 1.

――Episode 1 has finally started airing, but first of all, could you please introduce yourself as “Shizuru Chikura”?

Anzai: There’s not much that stands out about her, she’s just an ordinary girl who is good at Agano Jiu-Jitsu. Even though she is the main character, I don’t think there are many ordinary girls like her (lol)

It’s a story about her achieving her goals, but if you ask me if there’s anything that really stands out to her, I don’t think there’s that much. Even when acting, I always felt that it was normal,'' to the point where I started to wonder, What is normal?”

At the time of episode 1, there were four main members and Pochi-san. If anything, Pochi-san has a stronger personality than Shizuru. Also, Pontaro who appeared at the beginning, and Zenjiro-san. First of all, the talking animals had a really strong impact, and from the first episode I thought she looked like a normal girl.

During the first dubbing, director Mizushima told me, “This is a story about a normal person trying to find friends in a world where something terrible has happened.”

Just like that, it’s a fairly fantasy worldview because I’m just looking for friends, but what I want to do is very normal and real. She’s the kind of girl who embodies that.

–When I saw the character introduction on the official website, I thought he was more of a leadership type.

Anzai: Even though he is aggressive, everyone follows him, so it makes me wonder if he is a leader. I think I have more energy than most people.

――You said you were playing an ordinary girl, but what was it like playing the role?

Anzai: I didn’t bring out any special characteristics, or rather, I acted really plain and normal.

Her main purpose is to meet Haka, to find Haka. I think the viewers got the feeling that something must have happened between the two in the flashbacks, and I wanted to resolve that problem… Everyone had their own thoughts and feelings when something happened to their friends, but it was just that their worldview was like this. So, rather than having Shizuru do some action to liven up the story, I was thinking that the world where she acts normally would be strange, and I would want people to enjoy that gap while recording.

From here on out, a lot of really dark things happen. However, from the first audition, Director Mizushima told me, Please give a realistic performance,'' and even during the dubbing, Director Mizushima said, I want everyone to be conscious of natural conversation.” Even though the world is rich visually and in terms of setting, everyone speaks normally. That kind of difference in temperature in a good way…I thought this gap was what Director Mizushima was looking for.

–Can you call her a “normal high school girl” in this world?

Anzai: That’s right. Maybe you have a meaningless conversation with a friend, or the words you say out loud are more selfish than you thought, and you don’t realize that you’re hurting everyone. I think people tend to do things like this because they are young and don’t have the experience of being criticized or corrected. Shizuru has quite a lot of that. But it’s not like I’m trying to hurt anyone or say anything bad about them. She’s just saying what she thinks and doing things for her own purposes, so I think her rough expressions of emotion and the way she interacts with everyone are typical of high school girls. think.





安済:まずびっくりしたのが興津さんの善治郎ですね。「ボ」をどうやるんだろう?って。台本で見ると、文字で「ボ」しか書いてないわけですよ。どう演じるんだろうなって。そして初めて見た時に「うわー! こう来るんだ!」ってなりましたし、めちゃくちゃ笑わせてもらいました。それは興津さんのお芝居ももちろんですし、絵も本当に思ってた以上にすごくて。




――冒頭で出てきた「7G」であったり、大人はみんな動物になっちゃったの? とかその中で善治郎だけなんであんな風になってるの? とか謎だらけな世界なわけですが、この謎は物語が進めば解けていくのでしょうか? それとも「このアニメはこういう世界観だから」と素直に受け入れちゃったほうがいいのでしょうか?



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