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Commemorating the release of the drama CD “Romantic Lament”! Interview with Yuya Hirose and Kazuyuki Okitsu左藤さなゆき先生の大ヒットコミックス『ロマンチック・ラメント』(GUSH COMICS刊)のドラマCDが、BL専門通販サイト「コミコミスタジオ」発BLCDレーベル「Charme Gatto(シャルムガット)」から、本日7月26日(金)に発売!


今回は本作の発売を記念し、収録を終えたばかりのお2人のインタビューをお届け! 作品にちなんだ質問に対して、ユーモアを交えながら楽しく答えていただきました。

さらに、X上で参加できるキャンペーン情報も! 豪華プレゼントをお見逃しなく!!




Okitsu: No, there isn’t.

Hirose: Well… I don’t have any either. But anyway (laughs), the character I played, Asahi, had very strong emotional ups and downs, and his emotions were very visible, like getting angry, getting sulky, crying, or laughing really hard…

Okitsu: It was perfect.

Hirose: Ahahaha (laughs).

Okitsu: (In a low voice) It was cute.

Hirose: I’m happy! So… rather than it being difficult, I thought it would be hard to express it properly, but it was a lot of fun.

Okitsu: If I had to say, the character I played, Koushin, was a cool character, but one time I shouted out loud too much and the sound started to distort…

Hirose: That’s right (laughs).

Okitsu: I thought to myself, sorry for suddenly yelling.

–Thank you. Now for the next question! Please tell us what you like about the characters that each of you played, and if there are any lines or scenes that you like.

Okitsu: Everything about her is cute. Even the subtle things about her are cute.

Hirose: Asahi is cute and Koushin is cool, and they have something that the other doesn’t have, so they’re well balanced. Koushin is great at escorting me smartly, and his casual words make my heart flutter.

Okitsu: Even though Asahi wants to take Koushin’s hand, he holds himself back, saying, “No, no, I can’t fail again,” and yet I thought it was great how, little by little, he opens up his heart and grows through his struggles.

Hirose: It must be tough for Asahi because he has the trauma of having been at the mercy of fate once. But Koushin is cool for not giving up and coming to him, and I’m really glad I met him.

Okitsu: I thought it would work because he has the same face as my ex-boyfriend.

Hirose: No, that’s not true. Our personalities are different!

–Now, in this work, which is set in the world of the Omegaverse (※1), the concept of destined mates is introduced, and the sight of Koushin resisting his instincts was striking, but are there any things that you two just can’t resist or have to endure?

Hirose: I end up drinking alcohol. It’s become like a habit. I realized that I want to drink when I’m hungry. When I’m full, I don’t feel that urge to drink, but when I’m hungry, I want to drink with my meal.

Okitsu: But doesn’t drinking make you feel like eating?

Hirose: Yes, I do (laughs). I eat while drinking, and then I eat after drinking, and I get fat… (laughs).

Okitsu: It keeps looping (laughs).

Hirose: Is there anything, Okitsu-san?

Okitsu: No, I don’t. I can put up with anything.

Hirose: Strong. Perseverance!

Okitsu: I can endure anything. If I don’t tell myself that, I won’t be able to resist anything. I’ll end up craving fried rice in the middle of the night.

Hirose: It’s delicious.

Okitsu: Why is frozen fried rice eaten late at night so delicious?

Hirose: You like frozen fried rice, don’t you?








(注記 ※1)

オメガバースとは、男性と女性の他に支配階級の「α(アルファ)」 、もっとも数が多く通常の人間と変わらない「β(ベータ)」 、下位層で発情期のある「Ω(オメガ) 」という3種類の第2の性がある世界の設定。オメガには発情期があり、男性であっても妊娠が可能である。


ここでしか手に入らない貴重な賞品をゲットするチャンスです! ぜひ奮ってご応募ください。













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