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Summer anime “Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” series: Interview with Yuuma Uchida (voice of Ryuji Oga) | The word “normal” always comes with “for me””Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” is a webtoon serialized on LINE Manga that won third place in the Web Manga category of the “Next Manga Awards 2021” and first place in the “5th Manga Ranking for Anime Adaptation”. The TV anime of this work, which carefully depicts the human relationships between Makoto Hanaoka, a boy who loves cute things, his junior, Emi Aoi, and his best friend Ryuji Oga, as well as the process of their growth, will be broadcast on Fuji TV’s “Noitamina” and other stations from 24:55 every Thursday from Thursday, July 4, 2024.

Anime / Manga

Animate Times conducted a countdown interview with the three main cast members until the broadcast! In the first interview, we asked Yuuma Uchida, who plays Ryuji Oga, about his impressions of the work and the concept of “normality,” one of the themes depicted in the work.

–Please tell us your impression when you read the original work.

Yuuma Uchida (Uchida), who plays Ryuji Oga: The main character, Makoto, is a boy who dresses like a girl because he likes cute things. However, people around him think that’s strange. I felt that this was a work that depicts how to deal with “your true self” that is difficult to get others to understand right away.

–Please tell us about the character Ryuji.

Uchida: Ryuji is Makoto’s childhood friend. He knows that Makoto likes cute things and is aware of how the people around her feel about that, but he doesn’t distance himself from her. Rather, he feels that he has to be by Makoto’s side, so he stays with her all the time. He can be blunt in his speech, but that’s not because he wants to push her away. On the contrary, he’s a kind person who speaks with the other person’s thoughts in mind. He’s a really great guy!

–Ryuji is a really nice guy! Next, please tell us your impressions of Makoto and Saki.

Uchida: Makoto lives her high school life dressing like a girl, sticking to her love of cuteness. In that sense, she has a lot of different emotions, but she’s also an honest, determined type who can run straight ahead with whatever she decides.

Saki is a cheerful girl who brightens up the people around her just by being there. I feel like there are many scenes in the story where Saki creates a bright atmosphere. However, behind that smile, she actually harbors loneliness and complicated emotions. I think she is a very delicate character.

–What do you think about the acting of the actors Umeda Shuuichirou and Sekine Akiyoshi?

Uchida: Umeda-kun plays the honesty of Makoto that I mentioned earlier well. Even in scenes where we can’t see Makoto’s expression, you can feel it through his acting. Even during the recording, I could tell that he was trying to carefully portray his delicate feelings.

Sekine-san’s way of adding color to her acting is really interesting. Saki is already a girl with a lot of facial expressions, but I feel like she’s become even more colorful with her voice. That’s why there’s also a difference when she reveals the emotions she holds deep inside. I feel like Saki’s facial expressions have increased and expanded even more thanks to Sekine-san’s acting.

Anime / Manga
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