The highly anticipated main story of Toshiaki Kirino, voiced by Shogo Sakata, from the romance game “Koibana Bakumeiroku” is now available for streaming! As of today, September 17, 2024, players can dive into the captivating narrative of this complex character and participate in exclusive in-game campaigns to celebrate the release.
Unveil the Story of Toshiaki Kirino
Set in the vibrant new capital of Tokyo, Toshiaki Kirino is introduced as Saigo Takamori’s devoted “watchdog.” As you explore his story, you will uncover his true, darker nature and the tumultuous emotions he grapples with. His internal conflict between desiring your absence and feeling comforted by your presence creates a gripping tale of “love spun in the darkness.”
Limited-Time Campaigns and Rewards
To mark the release, several exciting campaigns are being held from September 17, 2024, to October 17, 2024. Here’s what you can earn by progressing through the main story:
- Read 20 or More Chapters: Receive 5 costume boxes.
- Complete the “Fated Love” Route: Obtain a guaranteed 4-star or higher gacha ticket.
- Complete the “Eternal Love” Route: Obtain a guaranteed 4-star or higher gacha ticket.
- Complete Both “Fated Love” and “Eternal Love” Routes: Get the room item: BIG boyfriend costume (Kirino).
Note: Rewards will be distributed to eligible players after the campaign period ends.
Additional Special Features Include:
- A special page within the game.
- A 4★ card awarded with points.
- The debut of the main story PV on YouTube.
- Release of past story events.
About “Koibana Bakumeiroku”
“Koibana Bakumeiroku,” a standout title from CYBIRD’s “+ONE by Ikemen Series”, brings historical samurai characters into a romantic narrative. Set in the Meiji era post-Boshin War, the game features characters like Saito Hajime, Kido Takayoshi, and Hijikata Toshizo, blending historical drama with passionate romance.
Available Platforms
You can enjoy “Koibana Bakumeiroku” on Animate Games, the App Store, and Google Play.
Voice Cast:
- Saito Hajime: Nakamura Sougo
- Hijikata Toshizo: Furukawa Shin
- Kido Takayoshi: Suzuki Ryota
- Ii Naosuke: Matsukaze Masaya
- Saigo Takamori: Kimura Ryohei
- Katsu Kaishu: Azagami Yohei
- Enomoto Takeaki: Okitsu Kazuyuki
- Kirino Toshiaki: Sakata Shogo
Follow Us
For more updates and exclusive content, visit the “Koibana Bakumeiroku” official website and follow us on Twitter.
Founded in 1998, CYBIRD has been a leading provider of mobile entertainment content. The company operates the popular “Ikemen Series” and other fan engagement services, including fan sites, merchandise, stage plays, online lotteries, and IP certification.
Visit the CYBIRD official website for more information.