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An interview with Fairouz Ai, who plays Liv in the summer anime “Mayonaka Punch” | I felt the essence of “Mayopan” in the “emotional roller coaster”-like chaotic feeling [Staff and voice actor interview series No. 6]P.A.WORKSの『パリピ孔明』スタッフが贈る、オリジナルTVアニメーション『真夜中ぱんチ』が2024年7月8日(月)より放送中!

世界でもっとも見られている動画投稿サイト「NewTube」で活躍する3人組NewTuber「はりきりシスターズ」の「まさ吉」こと真咲は、とある事件がきっかけでチャンネルをクビに。 起死回生を狙う真咲の前に現れたのは、なぜか彼女に運命を感じたヴァンパイアのりぶ。

超人的な能力を持つりぶと一緒なら、最高の動画が撮れるはず……?  チャンネル登録100万人を目指して邁進していく、ワケあり動画投稿者たちのハイテンション・ガールズ“再生”ストーリーです。



Fairouz Ai (hereinafter, Fairouz): Thank you!

–In episode 3, Tokei (voiced by Hitomi Ueda), a greedy vampire who loves gambling and money, appeared. Looking back on the story of episode 3, what was your impression?

Fairouz: Finally, Tokage joined us and we started working as Mayonaka Punch. Then, we all ate garlic and went crazy… I felt the essence of the work “Mayonaka Punch” in the chaotic feeling like an “emotional roller coaster”.

Also, I really like the way Tokei says “Like” when he first appears. It’s the end of the opening, so the opening starts from here. In the script, it says “(Tokei grins) Like☆”.

Normally, I think he would have said something like “Nice~ (↑)!” in a positive tone. But he deliberately lowered the tone and said it in a voice that sounded like he was sidelong glanced, which was really good. That captured Tokei’s heart in an instant. It’s one of my personal favorite points.

–What was your first impression of “Mayonaka Punch”?

Fairouz: It’s hard to describe, but… I felt like I was feeling my way around. My first impression of the work was that the idea of combining the modern video site “NewTube” with the classic monster of the vampire was novel and interesting.

–How did you create that character during the audition?

Fairouz: During the audition, I insisted that I had seen Masaki in a dream, and my impression of him was that he was a dangerous guy who relentlessly chased her and tried to suck her blood (laughs).

I made her boyish based on her appearance, but it’s actually the opposite. The direction for Masaki was “I want you to treat her like a girl, with a cute, heart-pounding personality,” which surprised me because it was the exact opposite of what I had imagined. Masaki = Liv’s prince, you could say.

When I thought about the work from that perspective, my impression of the character Liv changed. I thought it was interesting to be able to look at it from various angles, and I like monsters like vampires, so I’m happy to be able to play her. With each recording session, I was able to learn new sides to her, like, “Oh, so that’s what Liv was like!” There are many points to like about her.

–In terms of discovering new aspects of him, what part particularly attracted you?

Fairouz: As the story moves forward with Masaki at the helm, I thought Ribu would be the type to follow Masaki and the others who were leading her, but… everyone at Banpai-sou and the characters who appear later on are all oddballs (laughs). I discovered a new side of Ribu that isn’t just following Masaki, but is also relatively sensible compared to the people around her.




──実際アニメもすごく良いテンポ感で進んでいきますよね。アフレコ現場ではどのようなディレクションがあったのでしょう? 他のキャストには「もっとやっちゃって!」という指示があったとか。







ファイルーズ:十景ですかね。「鋼のメンタル」というと強い印象を受けますけど、十景のメンタルの強さは「鋼のメンタル」って形容できる強さじゃなくて……なんて言うのかな、スポンジ?(笑) スポンジってどんなに高いところから落としても、押しても引いても壊れないじゃないですか。でも壊れないっていうだけで、別に鋼のように硬いわけではないんですよね。


Anime / Manga

