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Musical “Hakuoki Shinkai” Hijikata Toshizo’s version opens, stage photos released! Comments from 6 cast members including Hidetoshi Kubota and Ruri Takeno and Nobuhiro Mori (screenplay, director, lyrics) have arrived.Today, April 13th (Saturday), the musical “Hakuoki Shinkai” by Toshizo Hijikata opened at AiiA 2.5 Theater Kobe in Hyogo.

Anime / Manga

A general training session will be held prior to the opening. Stage photos taken there, along with the six cast members (Hidetoshi Kubota, Ruri Takeno, Yuta Higuchi, Tara Inamata, Yuta Iiyama, and Yoshihide Sasaki) and Nobuhiro Mori, who wrote the script, directed, and wrote the lyrics. The opening comments have arrived.

▲Press press photo: From left: Isamu Kondo as Tara Imata, Heisuke Todo as Yuta Higuchi, Chikage Kazama as Yoshihide Sasaki, Toshizo Hijikata as Hidetoshi Kubota, Chizuru Yukimura as Ruri Takeno, Keisuke Otori Role: Yuta Iiyama Screenplay, direction, lyrics: Nobuhiro Mori

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights.

I believe that the desire to accomplish something as an actor and the desire to live up to one’s sincerity when it comes to theater has something in common with the hearts of these people who lived in turbulent times. That’s what “our hearts are like samurai”. As we move forward through dark clouds and an uncertain future, I hope that you will receive a powerful message that will open up the future.

──When you go to the theater, what do you want people to pay attention to?As a member of the Shinsengumi, as its vice leader, carrying the determination and destiny of raising the flag of Makoto, he climbs up more ruggedly and clumsily than anyone else. I want you to see how it goes. And most importantly, the soldiers around them. How they moved and how they influenced Hijikata is even more important, so don’t miss it.

–Please give a message to your customers.

The musical “Hakuoki Shinkai” series has made a fresh start with Mori-san directing. The first of these is “Toshizo Hijikata”. This is a story that approaches the core of many stories. Without cutting any corners, we will make large cherry blossoms bloom in the narrowest of spaces.

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights. This year, I think Chizuru is fighting more on her own than usual (lol). I will do my best to live Chizuru so that I can support you all!

──What do you want people to pay attention to when they go to the theater?

Ms. Mori directed a singing style that incorporates the folk song techniques that I have been practicing for 20 years, so please come and see Chizuru that only Ruri Takeno can do!

–Please give a message to your customers.

At a time when we didn’t know what was right, I was moved by the members of the Shinsengumi who lived straight and true to their beliefs. I will play the role so that you can feel the ephemeral yet beautiful way of life of the Shinsengumi through Chizuru!

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights.

As Todo Heisuke, who chooses the path of life that he believes in, no matter how difficult or difficult it may be, he creates a cherry blossom blizzard. “Look!”

──What do you want people to pay attention to when they go to the theater?

The original musical “Hakuoki”. And the image of Hijikata carrying everything on his back. I don’t think anything can surpass that look. Please pay attention to it. The demon’s vice-commander.

–Please give a message to your customers.

This season has arrived again this year. The baton has passed back from Mr. Nishida to Mr. Mori, and this is a new start for us, but as always, please look forward to the lives of these fragile and beautiful characters, who may be miserable but do not waver in their beliefs. They will fall again this year along with the cherry blossoms.

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights.

Why did this man, Toshizo Hijikata, fight until he was the last man standing?I believe this work provides a major answer to this question. This time, I would like to play the role of Isamu Kondo, a man who is a big cornerstone of that, more deeply and honestly.

──What do you want people to pay attention to when they go to the theater?

In addition to the passionate performances by the actors led by Deputy Director Kubohide, the rapidly changing stage equipment is a must-see as it enhances the story. The addition of Nobuhiro Mouri’s direction and Shinnosuke Motoyama’s staging creates an even more emotional stage expression.

–Please give a message to your customers.

Thank you very much for your continued support of the musical “Hakuoki”. The new history of the musical “Hakuoki” will begin, carrying all of the paths we (including you) have taken up until now. Please feel the breeze at the theater. We’ll be expecting you!

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights.

I am very happy to be able to be involved in the musical “Hakuoki”, which has been loved by many people for a long time. I would like to act with care so that I can pass the baton that so many people have dedicated their lives to pass on to the next scene.

──What do you want people to pay attention to when they go to the theater?

I would like you to pay attention to the “sight” that allows us to desperately survive in these turbulent times. The thoughts and conflicts that each of them had were overflowing from their eyes, making it both sad and dazzling. Let’s relive their lives with me.

–Please give a message to your customers.

Once again, I will be appearing in this production. This is Yuta Iiyama, who plays Keisuke Otori. As I progressed through rehearsals, I also came to love the musical Hakuoki. I hope that not only those who support the series, but also those who have not yet seen “Usukyu” will find this work to be as special as it was for me. We look forward to seeing you at the theater!

–Please tell us your enthusiasm for the Hijikata Toshizou version of the musical “Hakuouki Shinkai” and what you see as highlights.

Nine years ago, I played Toshizo Hijikata III in the musical “Hakuoki” Reimeiroku. The vice-commander of the demons and the chief of the demons. I would like to take advantage of my experience in playing these polarizing “demons” in this work and challenge Hijikata head-on in order to make the cherry blossom blizzard even more powerful and intense.

──What do you want people to pay attention to when they go to the theater?

I played Chikage Kazama in “Harada Hen” and “Shinkai Yamanami Hen”, and up until now she was in the strongest position where she easily cut down humans without getting hit by a single sword, but this work is the best position ever. I think we will be able to deliver Chikage Kazama’s passionate battle. I would be happy if you could pay attention to the battle between W Hide.

–Please give a message to your customers.

The history up to the “Harada Hen” that Mr. Mouri created, the

history up to the “Shinkai Yamanami Hen” that Mr. Nishida connected, and now that Mr. Mouri is back, this will be a new start. “Shinkai Hijikata Edition”. I am truly honored to be able to live these three moments as Chikage Kazama. And I will do my best to perform this role again so that I can connect it to the next time. Please stay tuned.

I returned to the musical “Hakuouki” for the first time in 7 years. I was really surprised when I arrived at the scene. There was the same energy and sparkle as back then. I was so happy, and at the same time, I couldn’t help but have deep respect for everyone.




【関西】2024年4月13日(土)~14日(日) AiiA 2.5 Theater Kobe

【東京】2024年4月19日(金)~29日(月・祝) 天王洲 銀河劇場


土方歳三 役:久保田秀敏

雪村千鶴 役:竹野留里

沖田総司 役:北村健人

斎藤一 役:大海将一郎

藤堂平助 役:樋口裕太

原田左之助 役:川上将大

永倉新八 役:小池亮介

山南敬助 役:丸山龍星

山崎烝 役:田口司

近藤勇 役:井俣太良

大鳥圭介 役:飯山裕太

天霧九寿 役:横山真史

不知火匡 役:末野卓磨

雪村綱道 役:川本裕之

風間千景 役:佐々木喜英

アンサンブル:笹原英作 堀直人 SHIMa 鼓太郎 坂本和基 橋本征弥 相田真滉 川合立統








・S席(1階席) ¥11,000(税込/全席指定)

・A席(2、3階席) ¥8,800(税込/全席指定)

・ボックス席 ¥8,800(税込/全席指定)

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・見切れ席 ¥7,800(税込/全席指定)





・公演に関するお問い合わせ:マーベラス ユーザーサポート

ステージ公演お問合せ窓口 - マーベラス
ゲームへ、映像へ、音楽へ、ステージへ。 感動は、ボーダーを超えて。株式会社マーベラス【Marvelous Inc.】の公式ウェブサイトです。




ミュージカル『薄桜鬼 真改』土方歳三 篇を劇場でご観劇いただくお客様に感謝の気持ちをこめて





4/22(月)13:30 樋口裕太、川上将大、小池亮介、丸山龍星、川本裕之

4/24(水)12:30 北村健人、大海将一郎、井俣太良、横山真史、末野卓磨

4/25(木)13:30 久保田秀敏、竹野留里、田口司、飯山裕太、佐々木喜英




















■発売日 2024年9月25日(水)

■Blu-ray 限定版(CD付)



〈仕様〉DISC 3枚組(DISC 1:本編映像 DISC 2:特典映像 DISC 3:CD)


特典映像:メイキング映像(稽古場、バックステージ 等)


■Blu-ray 通常版



〈仕様〉DISC 2枚組(DISC 1:本編映像 DISC 2:特典映像)


特典映像:メイキング映像(稽古場、バックステージ 等)







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