“Nintama Rantaro” is an anime based on the manga “Rantaro the Failed Ninja” by Amako Soubei, which began serialization in the “Asahi Elementary School Newspaper” in 1986. The TV series began airing in 1993 and has been loved by a wide range of generations. Set in the Warring States period, the story depicts the bright, fun, and entertaining days of the ninja trainees “ninja” – centered around the trio of Rantaro, Kirimaru, and Shinbei – as they study at the Ninjutsu Academy.
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist” is a film adaptation of the highly popular novel “Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist”. The story begins with Doi-sensei going missing on his way to a duel, and a serious development awaits, different from the usual “Nintama”.
Will the bond between Doi-sensei and the Nintama be enough to bring back the everyday life where “100% courage” flows?
Ahead of the film’s release, it has been announced that a commercial on theater etiquette for the film will begin screening at MOVIX Piccadilly, Aeon Cinema, and other select theaters nationwide from July 19th. In this commercial, Mr. Doi is giving a lecture on theater etiquette to Rantaro, Kirimaru, and Shinbei. Mr. Doi gives warnings to the following examples: Hemhemu, who uses his cell phone during the screening; the Dokutake Ninja Corps, who kick the seat in front of him; Koheita, who makes a fuss during the screening; and Happosai, who sets a bomb on fire. The commercial allows you to learn theater etiquette in a fun way together with the ninjas.
Furthermore, it has been decided that original goods using the super teaser visual drawn by character designer Emiko Niyama will be released on the same day at theaters where the Manners CM is being shown (excluding SMT, Aeon Cinema, and some other theaters). Acrylic key chains, stickers, and tote bags will be available. The goods will also be on sale at the movie and anime goods shop “Froovie” on the online shopping site “Shochiku Store” from 10:00 on July 19th, so fans should definitely check it out.
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist” will be released nationwide in December 2024. We look forward to hearing more information in the future.
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist”
to be released in theaters in December
Original story: “Rantaro the Failed Ninja” by Amako Soubei (published by Asahi Shimbun Publications)
TV anime series “Nintama Rantaro”
“Novel: Rakudai Ninja Rantaro: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist”
(original story and illustrations: Amako Soubei / novel: Sakaguchi Kazuhisa / published by Asahi Shimbun Publications)
Cast: Takayama Minami, Tanaka Mayumi, Ichiryusai Sadatomo, Seki
Toshihiko Director : Fujimori
Masaya Screenplay:
Sakaguchi Kazuhisa Music: Makaino Koji
Character design: Niiyama Emiko
Assistant director: Negishi Hiroki
Art director: Kawaguchi Masaaki
Director of photography: Hayashi Kojiro
Color design: Murata Eriko
Sound director: Okuma Akira
Animation production: Asiado
Distribution: Shochiku
Production: Nintama Rantaro the Movie Production Committee
(C) Soubei Amako/Nintama Rantaro the Movie Production Committee