“SAKAMOTO DAYS” is a comedy action comedy series by Yuto Suzuki that has been serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” since 2020, with a cumulative circulation of over 5 million copies.
The story depicts the days when Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary assassin, fights with his friends against approaching assassins in order to maintain a peaceful life with his beloved family.
The teaser visual released in conjunction with the decision to make it into a TV anime has a hard-boiled finish that shows the main character, Taro Sakamoto, in his present and past appearances. The teaser PV not only gives a glimpse of the members of Sakamoto Shoten, who are the core of the story, centering on Taro Sakamoto, but also includes action scenes, which are the highlight of this work, making the content highly anticipated.
In addition, main staff and cast information was also announced. The role of Taro Sakamoto will be played by Tomokazu Sugita, who is known for his role as Gintoki Sakata in Gintama'' and Yukimei Shigejima in
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” The staff will be directed by Masaki Watanabe of the Battle Spirits'' series and
Bartender,” and the animation production will be handled by TMS Entertainment, the creator of the Dr. STONE'' and
Yowamushi Pedal” series. Comments were also received from Suzuki, the original author, director Watanabe, and Sugita, who plays Taro Sakamoto.
The latest information will be released on the official website and official SNS. We look forward to further updates on the TV anime “SAKAMOTO DAYS”.
Basic information about the TV anime “SAKAMOTO DAYS”
Broadcast starts from January 2025!
Original work: Yuto Suzuki (serialized in Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump”)
Director: Masaki Watanabe
Series composition: Taku Kishimoto
Character design: Hiroshi Moriyama
Production: TMS Entertainment
Taro Sakamoto: Tomokazu Sugita
(C) Yuto Suzuki/Shueisha/SAKAMOTO DAYS Production Committee