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“Theatre Digest Bocchi Za Rock! Re:” Stage greeting will be held on Rock Day! Mr. Yoshino Aoyama, Mr. Sayumi Suzushiro, Mr. Saku Mizuno, and Ikumi Hasegawa took the stageTV anime “Bocchi the Rock! As a theater compilation of “Theatrical Digest Bocchi Za Rock! The first part of “Re:/Re:Re:” is currently being released nationwide, and the second part will be released nationwide on Friday, August 9th!

Anime / Manga

To commemorate the release of the theatrical compilation, a “Rock Stage Greeting” was held on June 9th (Sunday), “Rock Day”, with four members of the Zizhi Band cast on stage.

For the stage greeting, Yoshino Aoyama (playing Hitori Goto), Sayumi Suzushiro (playing Koka Ijichi), Saku Mizuno (playing Ryo Yamada), and Ikumi Hasegawa (playing Ikuyo Kita) took the stage. We talked a lot about the charm of this work!

“Theatrical Digest Bocchi Za Rock!” which had its first theatrical release on June 7th (Friday). Re:”. This time, a rock stage greeting was held on June 9th (Sunday), “Rock Day”, with Yoshinori Aoyama (playing Hitori Goto), Sayumi Suzushiro (playing Koka Ijichi), Saku Mizuno (playing Ryo Yamada), The four members of Ikumi Hasegawa (playing the role of Ikuo Kita) have gathered together.

When asked about the highlights of the first part, which has been a hot topic since the first day of release, as many of the audience have seen the anime, Suzuyo answered, “Everything is a highlight, but the thing that stood out to me the most was the first part. The way it started was completely different from what I expected, and it was a complete compilation of “theater”, so I hope you watch it without blinking an eye! Even though I’ve heard the lines many times and seen the scenes many times, I felt as if I was seeing them for the first time, and I hope that everyone will enjoy watching the movie for the first time! ”, highlighting the unique charm of a theatrical compilation.

Furthermore, this film, which has just started its nationwide release with two new songs, the opening song “Shine Like the Commonplace” and the ending song “Now, I, From the Underground”, sang on it. Hasegawa spoke passionately about the song, saying, “When the opening song “Shine Like the Commonplace” was released, the production team’s comments were posted on X, and among them was a comment by Higuchi Ai, who wrote the lyrics, which read, “Have you ever thought of yourself as a genius? And have you ever thought that you weren’t a genius? But at that moment, it feels like your dreams become reality.” I myself have had a feeling of lack of self-confidence since experiencing failure, but when I saw that comment, I felt a great sense of relief when I realized that that was the starting point and that I am now working hard to move forward. So I think this song will give people who listen to it a push in the right direction.”

Mizuno also mentioned the lyrics that he has a special fondness for, saying, I really like the lyrics, Even if you can’t change, there’s no one to replace you.”

Hasegawa said, The lyrics and music are good, so I want you to listen to it a lot!The ending song, Ima, Boku, From Underground,” is a great ending that will make you even more excited if you listen to it after watching the whole thing. ”, he passionately talked about the wonders of the new song that matched the work.

そんな長谷川は6月7日に公開されたTHE FIRST TAKEで「ギターと孤独と蒼い惑星(ほし)」を歌唱。

感想を求められた青山は「泣いた、、本当に良かった、、」と振り返りながら、「私の知っている育美さんでありながら、ちゃんと結束バンドのボーカル・喜多郁代役の長谷川育美でもあって、凄く痺れたし、「結束バンド LIVE-恒星-」など色々なものを経たリアルな結束バンドの活動と、アニメやマンガの結束バンドの活動が交差する瞬間を見届けられて、生きてて良かったと思いました…!」と感動を伝えた。





そして、ミニアルバム「結束バンド」の発売やZEPPツアー、ROCK IN JAPANへの出演と、結束バンドとしての音楽活動についても心境を問われると、青山は「結束バンドの活躍ぶりに私達も頑張ってついていかないといけないと思っていますが、私達が下北沢のSTARRYからやってきた結束バンドというのは変わらないので、その気持ちを込めて、これからも「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」の音楽をみなさんに届けていければと思っています。」と今後の活躍への意気込みを語りました。






前編「劇場総集編ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! Re:」全国公開中

後編「劇場総集編ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! Re:Re:」2024年8月9日(金)公開

芳文社・『まんがタイムきらら MAX』にて連載中の、はまじあきによる人気 4コマ漫画『ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!』。



さらに音楽面では《結束バンド》のフルアルバム『結束バンド』が2023年上半期においてオリコン「デジタルアルバムランキング」1位や Billboard JAPAN「ダウンロードアルバムチャート」1位を獲得するなど、大きな旋風を巻き起こした。

アニメ/音楽の両面で鮮烈なデビューを果たした《結束バンド》の物語が、TVアニメを再編集し大迫力のスクリーン・音響とともに劇場総集編として 2024年に映画館で幕を開ける!








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既刊1~6巻 発売中(芳文社・まんがタイムKRコミックス)

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