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In celebration of his birthday! What is the appeal of Yaotome Gaku from “Idolish Seven”? We’ve gathered together Gaku’s charms and recommended songs from fans!August 16th is the birthday of Yaotome Gaku from “Idolish Seven”! So, in this article, we will introduce all the charms of Yaotome Gaku in commemoration of his birthday.

In addition to the basic profile, we have compiled a list of the characters’ charms, recommended songs, and notable scenes from the story, as shared by fans in a prior survey.

If you read this, you will definitely understand the charm of idol Yaotome Raku! Be sure to also check out the passionate comments from Raku fans!

*This article contains spoilers.


Age: 22

Height: 183cm

Birthday: August 16

Blood type: B

Shoe size: 27.5cm

Weight: 72kg

Likes: Soba noodles, movies

Dislikes: Things that don’t make sense

Raku is the leader of the three-member idol group TRIGGER, who captivate fans with their flawless live performances. With his fair skin and cool eyes, he is so beautiful that you can’t help but stare at him.

However, that’s not all that Raku is attractive about. In addition to his powerful singing voice and dancing in live performances, he is also active as an actor on stage and in dramas. Due to his talent, he is often nominated for leading roles.

Highly professional, Raku is extremely stoic and serious about his work, and puts all his effort into practicing and rehearsing in order to create the best possible product. This sincere attitude is one of the charms of his work that has earned him the trust of his colleagues and fans.

Contrary to his cool appearance, Raku has a passionate heart. He always works hard and seriously in his life, and has the strength to follow his own path. His strength never breaks even when he faces adversity; rather, it seems that he only shows his true worth when he faces adversity.

In addition, she is fearless and always has a dignified attitude and way of speaking, but she is never arrogant and always maintains a humble attitude, which makes her well-liked by those around her, and she has built good relationships not only with her fellow members, but also with idols from other groups and people she works with. Furthermore, because she is compassionate and caring towards her friends, she can’t leave members or friends in trouble alone, so she is a caring person who can’t leave them alone.

To sum up Raku-san’s personality in one word, he is the “protagonist of a shounen manga.” Raku-san is a “good guy” both inside and out.

TRIGGER’s agency, Yaotome Office, is an entertainment agency whose president is his father. Although he is the son of a president, his father never spoiled Raku-san, and instead was extremely strict with him, forcing him to take rigorous singing and dancing lessons from an early age.

While Raku was a very caring person, his father would often take ruthless measures to run the business, which made it difficult for Raku to get along with his father. Raku used his rebellious spirit against his father as motivation to work hard at his lessons.

Being divorced from his mother, he did not have a good impression of his father and the relationship between him and his father was not the best. However, after TRIGGER’s popularity waned and he returned to the entertainment industry, he went on to gain even more popularity, and as a result, both father and son began to respect each other and gradually showed signs of coming to terms with each other.

第3位に選ばれたのは、小室哲哉さんによる作曲でも話題となった「DAYBREAK INTERLUDE」。とある人物の陰謀によって芸能界追放寸前にまで追い込まれたTRIGGER。それでも諦めず、応援してくれるファンのために前だけを向いて険しい道を進み続けます。そんな彼らの気高い精神と決意を象徴するような一曲です。

第2位となったのは、TRIGGERの「Crescent rise」。往年の名作『三日月狼』をリメイクしたミュージカル『クレセント・ウルフ』の主題歌です。TRIGGER全員が出演する本ミュージカルで主演を務めた楽さん。中核をなすストーリーとTRIGGERのパフォーマンスが融合したMVは必見です。

第1位に輝いたのは、TRIGGERの「BEAUTIFUL PRAYER」。『劇場版アイドリッシュセブン LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERiOD』で披露され、セクシーさと力強さが一体となった格好良いパフォーマンスが話題になりました。メンバー3人の名前が入ってた歌詞もファンの推しポイントのひとつ。TRIGGERと楽さんの魅力が詰まったファン一押しの楽曲です!



●「My Precious World」/TRIGGER




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