This heartwarming story follows the story of Takuma Kosugi, a corporate slave salaryman, and Mina, a household robot who is supposed to have no emotions, as they “build a bond as a couple, even though they’re not yet a married couple.”
Advance scene cuts and a synopsis have been released from episode 8, “It Seems My Wife Has a Pride, Too.”
Mina educates Mamoru, who has now become her “child.” She teaches him how to “measure Takuma’s temperature” using a calendar and hot water, and how this will help “know Takuma’s health condition.”
Takuma is surprised at Mamoru’s progress, and praises him. However, for some reason, Mina’s reaction to Takuma praising Mamoru seems a bit strange…
Toyonaga, T., Inagaki, Y., Wakai, Y., Asahina, M., et al.
Screenplay: Naoto
Iiyoku Storyboard: Daisuke Shimamura
Director: Yuri Uemata
Animation Director: Go Yu-il