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“Honey Lemon Soda” author Kana Ichinose and original author Mayu Murata will appear at the “Ciao Fes x Ribon★Mirai Festa Girls Comic Fes 2024″! Ichinose will talk about her dubbing experience and her role-making.”Honey Lemon Soda” (original author: Mayu Murata) is a highly popular manga currently being serialized in Shueisha’s girls’ manga magazine “Ribon”, which has sold over 13 million copies (as of July 2024) and has been adapted into a live-action film and a reading drama. The TV anime version of the work will begin airing on Fuji TV’s “+Ultra” and other stations in January 2025.

On Sunday, August 11th, the Ciao Fes x Ribon★Mirai Festa Girls Comic Festival 2024 was held at Pacifico Yokohama. During the event, a special stage for the TV anime “Honey Lemon Soda” was held, with Ichinose Kana, who plays Ishimori Uka, and Murata Mayu, the original author, taking to the stage.

Ichinose and Murata Sensei appeared on stage to thunderous applause from the audience.

Ichinose, who said she saw the first PV, which was released on Honey Day (August 2nd), on the same day it was released, commented, “I got teary-eyed at the scene where Uka-chan is crying, even though I’m playing the role. The visuals are wonderful, and as the dubbing is still ongoing, all of Uka-chan’s various emotions are coming back to me. At first, Kai-kun is cool, and this PV makes you look forward to seeing how the two of them will walk together!” She added, “I was moved to see my own images moving.

Afterwards, Ichinose’s acting was amazing, and I was especially moved by the crying scene,” said Murata, who seemed to empathize.

Murata-sensei revealed that he couldn’t believe it when he heard that his work was going to be made into an anime, saying he felt both anxious and happy, “I wondered if it was really okay for them to make my work. But I was really looking forward to it and was happy.”

Ichinose, who said that she had wanted to be involved with Honey Lemon Soda as Uka from the time of her audition, expressed her determination, saying, “When I heard that I had been chosen for the role of Ishimori Uka I was really happy, but at the same time I felt a sense of responsibility and was determined to do my best to portray Uka.”

He revealed that the dubbing, which is currently underway, is being done carefully, while feeling the director’s strong commitment and love.

Ichinose also shared an episode from the direction she was given during the dubbing of the first episode, saying, “At first, I played Uka as weak because of her past, but the director directed me to play her as weak but with a core. Honey Lemon is also Uka’s coming-of-age story, and she is a girl who works hard with all her heart, wanting to change, so I wanted to play a Uka that everyone wants to root for.”

Mr. Murata expressed his surprise, saying, “Ichinose’s interpretation is amazing. Uka-chan is a girl with a strong core, so each and every one of her lines seems to have a strong core, and I am moved by it.”

In the section where they asked each other questions, they asked each other what motivated them to pursue their current profession. When Ichinose said that she wanted to become a voice actor, “I’ve loved anime and manga since I was a child, and I wanted to enter that world,” the MC asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to become a voice actor.

Seeing several spectators raise their hands, he joyfully shouted “There they are!!”

Murata-sensei passionately confessed, “I’ve been imitating my mother in drawing since I was little, and I thought that becoming a manga artist was an extension of that. I really love Ribon, and I thought that if I couldn’t become a Ribon manga artist, then I didn’t need to become a manga artist.”

When asked about how he prepared for his roles, Ichinose replied, “When I work on a project that is based on an original work, I read it thoroughly before I begin,” and revealed a secret about his character preparation: “Since the images aren’t completed at the dubbing stage, I sometimes draw smiley faces on the script to help me recall the expressions and emotions from the original.”

Meanwhile, when asked if there is any character in “Honey Lemon” that is similar to him, Murata-sensei said it was a difficult question, but revealed, “Rather than being similar to this character, I think I am a little bit similar to all of them. It’s difficult to move them without some of your own elements.” Ichinose agreed, saying, “It’s more realistic when it comes from your own emotions.”

Finally, Ichinose said, “Actually, today was the first time I met Professor Murata! Even in this moment, I really felt the professor’s warmth. Honey Lemon Soda is a very warm work, and I think there is a link between the work and the professor’s personality. Looking back on the stage, she revealed that the character Uka-chan, whom I play in the anime, has an incredible power that pushes her forward, and appealed, “Seeing Uka-chan’s dedication and taking one step at a time in my own way, makes me want to work hard too, without forgetting my original intentions. I look forward to your support!”

Broadcast begins in January 2025 on Fuji TV’s “+Ultra” and other channels!













果てなく広がる 光の真ん中に 今、私はいる

原作:村田真優 (集英社「りぼん」連載)

監督:錦織博 「とある魔術の禁書目録」、「劇場版アイドリッシュセブン LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERiOD」

シリーズ構成:和場明子 「BLUE REFLECTION RAY/澪」






三浦 界:矢野奨吾




ハッシュタグ: #ハニレモアニメ

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

