“Panty & Stocking with Gerterbelt” is an original TV anime that was broadcast from October to December 2010 and was animated by GAINAX under the direction of Director Hiroyuki Imaishi, who was a member of GAINAX at the time. Set in Daten City, where strange incidents occur every day due to ghosts that exploit people’s desires, the story depicts the misbehaving, dropout angels Panty and Stocking, who were sent from heaven, hunting ghosts that bring disaster upon disaster. In July 2023, Director Imaishi’s current studio TRIGGER officially acquired the original rights from GAINAX and announced the launch of a new project “NEW PANTY AND STOCKING”, and further news was awaited.
It has been announced that “New PANTY & STOCKING with GARTERBELT” will be broadcast and distributed as a TV anime in 2025. Imaishi will continue to direct the original work, and TRIGGER will be in charge of animation production. What kind of work will this “hyper crazy battle action human comedy drama” caused by the bitchy angel sisters be? Expectations are high for this new “pantyhose” anime produced by TRIGGER, who has produced popular works such as “Kill la Kill” and the movie “Promare”.
In commemoration of this announcement, it has also been revealed that the first video of a talk between the main staff of “New PANTY & STOCKING with GARTERBELT” will be released on TRIGGER’s YouTube channel on July 5th.
The five people involved, including Director Imaishi, Hiromi Wakabayashi, who is the series composer and concept planner, Shigeto Koyama, who is the character designer and art director, and Sushio and Masaru Sakamoto, who are character designers and animation directors together with Koyama, will talk about the recently released visuals and their thoughts on the series. Fans should definitely check it out ahead of the broadcast and streaming.
to be broadcast and streamed in 2025
Original concept: GEEKFLEET
Director: Hiroyuki Imaishi
Series composition: Hiroyuki Imaishi, Hiromi Wakabayashi
Original character design: Atsushi Nishigori
Character design: Shigeto Koyama, Sushio, Masaru Sakamoto
Art direction: Shigeto
Koyama Special specialist: Yo Yoshinari
Concept planner: Hiromi Wakabayashi
Animation production: TRIGGER
(C) TRIGGER, Hiroyuki Imaishi / NPSG Production Committee