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“BATTLE OF TOKYO Super Tokyo Expansion Exhibition” team, Kazuma Kawamura and others will be on stage! The long-awaited completely new animation PV is also released for the first time [Media presentation report]On May 14, 2024, the BATTLE OF TOKYO Super Tokyo Expansion Exhibition media presentation will be held at SHIBUYA TSUTAYA. In addition to selling event-limited goods to commemorate the exhibition, a collaboration cafe was also held.

“BATTLE OF TOKYO” is a comprehensive entertainment project launched by LDH JAPAN, which is centered on a group from the Jr.EXILE generation and is developed by fusing and crossing the real and virtual worlds such as novels, anime, games, songs, and live performances. Set in “Super Tokyo,” a futuristic city that has miraculously recovered from a major disaster, the mysterious phantom thieves MAD JESTERS (≠GENERATIONS), the most powerful bodyguard organization ROWDY SHOGUN (≠THE RAMPAGE), and the ever-changing illusion group Astro9 ( A total of 45 characters from 5 groups – ≠ FANTASTICS), the crazy hacker team JIGGY BOYS (≠ BALLISTIK BOYZ), and the shadowy arms dealer DUNG BEAT POSSE (≠ PSYCHIC FEVER) – will battle using their special abilities (skills).

“BATTLE OF TOKYO Super Tokyo Expansion Exhibition” will exhibit illustrations of a total of 45 characters that appear in “BATTLE OF TOKYO” drawn from the perspective of 45 top creators active in Japan and abroad. It is a project that expands the worldview on an unprecedented scale.

The media presentation was held at the 7th floor venue where the collaboration cafe is being held. At the invitation of MC USK, who served as the host, four people took the stage: Jin from THE RAMPAGE, Kazuma Kawamura, Ryuta Hidaka from BALLISTIK BOYZ, and Masahiro Sunada. At the beginning of the presentation, after introducing the story of BATTLE OF TOKYO, Kawamura was immediately pointed at the microphone. Kawamura was enthusiastic about the goods prepared this time and said, “I’ll definitely buy them myself!” He expressed his excitement because the creator of the illustrations displayed at the venue is the same creator of the game that he has been playing for many years. It was obvious that he couldn’t hide it, and the audience erupted in laughter.

Next, a video letter from FANTASTICS was released. The four people who appeared were Sekai, Taiki Sato, Reiya Seguchi, and Natsuki Hori. Sekai, who participated in this project as a creative director and also assigned the artists, spoke passionately about the creators who drew the characters of Sato, Seguchi, and Hori, and showed his enthusiasm for the expanded exhibition. At the end of the video letter, Seguchi revealed a surprising past, saying, “Actually, I worked part-time at a cafe on top of this building,” and the members on stage were greatly surprised at the depth of their unexpected connection.

In the world of BATTLE OF TOKYO, where characters based on real artists play an active role, this “Super Tokyo Expansion Exhibition” will further “expand” the worldview by having 45 creators draw the characters. want to be. MC USK approached each speaker, character, and creator who drew the illustrations, and each read out the comments received from the creators on their behalf.

Sainosuke, who drew the illustrations for GOEMON≠Jin, said, I myself am from the EXILE generation, and the songs have been very familiar to me since my youth, so I was both nervous and honored to participate. In doing so, I was conscious of how I could convey her attractive visuals, such as her well-trained physique, cool eyes, melancholy eyebrows, and sexy lips, in a way that would please her fans. When Kawamura read out the comment in a good voice, Jin said,The GOEMON I envisioned has been reborn.I thought about setting it as a samurai, a sword, etc.As I am a bodyguard, I feel pressured by the word guardian.I want to decorate my house. I want to.”

This time, Shirabi, who drew Kazuma Kawamura ≠ LUPUS’s illustrations, wrote, When I got the call and learned that LUPUS (Mr. Kazuma Kawamura) was in charge, I was so excited to see if he could draw such a cool character. While I was working, I was busy drawing BOT and THE RAMPAGE songs, even though I was nervous, I hope I could convey even just a little bit of the goodness of LUPUS,'' Jin read out. Kawamura said,Shirabi-sensei’s worldview is packed into characters that I feel deeply about.I was moved to see him drawn so beautifully and coolly.”

Next, Baron Ueda, who drew the illustration for Masahiro Sunada≠Skeet, said, In drawing Skeet≠Masahiro Sunada of JIGGY BOYS≠BALLISTIK BOYZ, in addition to official BOT setting materials, we also used his SNS and BOT live tour. I watched it. This work is a simple and unique expression with bold lines, and I express it freely while focusing on Sunada-kun's determined eyebrows and eyes. I bring my AI robot "AI BEAR" to this world. I made him a camouflage bear in battle mode so that he would blend in, and I drew a scene where he runs through Tokyo at night as Skeet's partner. I hope that fans will enjoy the Baron version of Skeet and the cute and strong AI BEAR. When Hidaka read out the message, Sunada happily said,His taste is different from the other members, and he has a lot of American comic book vibes.I also studied abroad in the United States, so I feel we have something in common.AI BEAR is also really cute.” is.

最後に、日高竜太≠Claudeのイラストを描いたタスクオーナの「BATTLE OF TOKYO超東京拡張展開催おめでとうございます! あのBOTがまさかこんな方向に展開するとは……!? モデルになった日高さんも物語の中のクロードもめちゃくちゃカッコいいので、ドキドキしながら楽しく描かせていただきました。」というメッセージを緊張した様子で砂田が読み上げると、日高は「とても気に入っている。実際に控室でクリエイターのタスクオーナ先生と会った時、先生が自分とキャラクターをとても愛して、描いてくれたのだということが伝わって嬉しかった。」と交流の様子を語った。

その後のセッションでは展示会の企画概要、グッズ情報、コラボレーションカフェ情報、そして完全新作アニメーションPVが公開されるなど盛り沢山の内容だった。提供されたグループごとのドリンクを飲みながら談笑する一幕も。お気に入りのキャラクターについて質問が飛ぶと、それぞれが熱い思いを語り、BATTLE OF TOKYOとクリエイターのコラボレーションに再度感激した様子を見せ、メディア発表会は幕を閉じた。

世界で最も有名な交差点と呼ばれる渋谷スクランブル交差点前にリニューアルオープンしたばかりの「SHIBUYA TSUTAYA」。1、2階の外側にそれぞれ設置された大型ビジョンには、LDHのアーティストによるダンスパフォーマンスと、彼らをモデルとしてアニメタッチに描かれたイラストレーションを元にした映像が次々と映し出されている。「BATTLE OF TOKYO」は架空の未来都市「超東京」を舞台としたサイバーパンクの世界観であり、未来に向けて急激に発展していく渋谷の街並みと見事にマッチしている。

会場1階、入り口を入って真っ先に目に入る映画館のような巨大ディスプレイにはこれまでのBATTLE OF TOKYOの軌跡と共に、LDHが誇るダンサブルなサウンドと見事にマッチした実写xイラストレーション映像が次々と流れる。その様子を目にしたのちに会場内に歩みを進めると、映像内にも登場した合計45枚のイラストレーションが額装展示されており、1作品1作品を、音楽とともに楽しみながらじっくりと堪能できるようになっている。


BATTLE OF TOKYO 超東京拡張展は、東京会場では、15日から26日まで、大阪会場では6月8日より開催。コラボレーションカフェは、6月29日まで期間毎に展示衣装を変えて開催している。ぜひ何度も足を運んで、かつてない超体験を味わってほしい。チケットは公式サイトにて絶賛発売中。




展示内容:コラボイラスト/『BATTLE OF TOKYO -CODE OF Jr.EXILE-』衣装展示



2024年5月19日(日)~5月22日(水)JIGGY BOYS

2024年5月23日(木)~5月26日(日)DUNG BEAT POSSE




展示内容:コラボイラスト/『BATTLE OF TOKYO -CODE OF Jr.EXILE-』衣装展示 ほか


2024年6月8日(土)~6月15日(土)MAD JESTERS

2024年6月16日(日)~6月23日(日)ROWDY SHOGUN




展示内容:映像放映/展示パネル/『BATTLE OF TOKYO -CODE OF Jr.EXILE-』衣装展示





LE GARAGE 梅田 蔦屋書店(梅田 蔦屋書店内/大阪)

LE GARAGE エディオン蔦屋家電店(エディオン蔦屋家電/広島)







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