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The fun part of this work is finding out “where the dots meet” – Interview with Yuto Uemura, who plays Narita Saneatsu, and Nozomi Urawa, who plays Ichinose Ryuta in the summer anime “Tandoku” | Enjoy the unpredictable developments that come from a death game and special abilitiesThe manga “Tadanoketsu” by Taiga Miyagawa is currently being serialized on the manga app “GANMA!”. The TV anime adaptation of this work will be broadcast for two consecutive seasons starting on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

The protagonist of this work is a high school student, Saneatsu Narita, who is caught up in a death game called “Majority Deficiency” that suddenly begins in the world, in which the “majority is lost.” Saneatsu and his friends obtain a mysterious special ability called “Privilege” and must confront the mastermind “Emperor” who wields absolute power.

To commemorate the start of the anime’s broadcast, we interviewed Uemura Yuto, who plays Narita Saneatsu, and Urawa Nozomi, who plays Saneatsu’s best friend Ichinose Ryuta! We asked them about the appeal of the work, their impressions of the characters they play, and what they thought when listening to each other’s acting.

–Please tell us your impression of the character you play and what you find appealing about it.

Yuto Uemura (hereafter, Uemura): My first impression of Saneatsu was that he was a normal high school student who would goof around with his friends and occasionally get serious. However, as the “majority omission” took place, there were many things he had to think about and when he had to find a way out, he was able to fully demonstrate his natural straightforwardness, and I felt that he was a character who played the role of a breakthrough in important situations. His struggles but his determination to move forward left me with the impression that he was a very protagonist-like character.

Nozomi Urawa (hereinafter, Ura): Ryuta is Saneatsu’s best friend, and I think he’s a character who can do silly things and read the mood well. If Saneatsu is having fun, he can have fun with him, and if he gets serious and depressed, he has the kindness to be there for him. I thought he was a balancer of the whole, so I was conscious of making his delicate subtleties and switching clear. While I was acting, I felt that he has kindness at his core.

I also think he has a broad perspective, so when I was recording, I tried to be a bridge between those with less experience than me and my seniors, and I tried to behave in a kind manner.

–I thought they were both honest and good kids.

Uemura: That’s right. He’s a very caring person.

Ura: That’s true. I think he’s probably thinking about where he should walk when he makes jokes or makes comments.

–Since Ura-san mentioned the topic of acting, please tell us what you kept in mind on set.

Kamimura: I was right in the middle generation among the cast members, so I made sure to interact with and talk to both my juniors and seniors.

Ura: That’s right… Oh, by the way, there’s one thing I wanted to ask Yuto-san. (Nagase) Anna-chan, who plays Fujishiro Saya, is still young, but she’s a really nice girl who talks to everyone and you can tell she wants to brighten up the atmosphere. She was proactively bringing up all sorts of topics with the seniors, and one of the topics was something like a thought experiment that Anna-chan’s older sister or a friend from school told her, and she said, “This is interesting, do you all know it?”

It was actually a pretty famous question, and the moment we saw it, everyone was like, “Oh!? I know this,” but everyone else didn’t say a word and just brushed it off by saying, “Huh? I don’t know,” but Yuto was the best. I remember him watching over us like an older brother, saying, “It’s difficult. I’m surprised you knew this question.” Until then, I was in the position where Yuto was watching over me, so I thought, “So that’s how it looked from the outside.” In fact, Yuto knew it at that time, right?


浦:そうなんですよ! その気持ちを全員で汲んだ感じで、優しさを感じました。

















上村:でもいい塩梅で、1話ごとにいろいろなことが少しずつわかっていくので、「点はあるけど、どこで繋がるんだろう? あっ!? ここで終わっちゃうの!?」みたいな感じで、いい引きになっているなと思います。









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