“Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” has taken the anime world by storm since its release, bringing to life the intricate and heartfelt relationships between its characters. The anime adaptation of this popular webtoon, serialized on LINE Manga, started airing in July 2024 on Fuji TV’s Noitamina, quickly becoming a fan favorite. The story revolves around Makoto Hanaoka, a boy who loves cute things and embraces a feminine appearance, along with his junior Emi Aoi and his childhood friend Ryuji Oga. As these three characters navigate the complexities of their emotions, the anime beautifully captures their growth and evolving relationships.
In an exclusive interview with Yuuma Uchida, the voice actor behind Ryuji Oga, we delve into his insights on Ryuji’s character, the challenges of voicing someone experiencing conflicting emotions, and his thoughts on what lies ahead for the anime.
Ryuji’s Internal Struggle with His Feelings for Makoto
Uchida reflects on Ryuji’s emotional journey, sharing, “I believe Ryuji has always harbored feelings for Makoto, but he struggled with the idea of falling in love with another boy. For Ryuji, this wasn’t just about accepting his feelings—it was about coming to terms with the fact that his love was different from societal expectations.”
According to Uchida, Ryuji’s journey isn’t just about romance but about self-acceptance. “He’s the type of person who overthinks things, trying to understand his emotions through the lens of how others might see them. Despite that, his love for Makoto remained strong.”
Insights into the Characters’ Dynamics: Makoto, Saki, and Ryuji
As the series progresses, more layers are revealed about the characters. Uchida offers his take on each of them:
“Makoto is a character who worries a lot, but when she makes up her mind, she’s determined and straightforward. She shows more decisiveness than Ryuji in many ways.”
When asked about Saki, the junior who confesses to Makoto, Uchida reveals, “Saki is a lively and cheerful character, but beneath that facade is a deeper sense of loneliness that she hides from everyone, even her family. Her cheerful nature is almost a defense mechanism to protect herself from the fear of being left alone.”
A Memorable Scene: The Dance in Episode 3
One scene that left a lasting impression on Uchida was from Episode 3, where Makoto and Saki exchange outfits and dance together. “For Makoto, it was a pivotal moment of being honest with herself and embracing her feelings. However, for Ryuji, this moment made him realize the depth of his own love for Makoto, making it emotionally complex.”
Thoughts on Future Episodes and Character Development
Uchida shared his excitement about the upcoming episodes, emphasizing the emotional growth of the characters. “As they begin to communicate their feelings to one another, the doors to their hearts gradually open. It’s a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, and I hope viewers will continue watching as the story unfolds.”
“Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” continues to resonate with audiences for its authentic portrayal of complex emotions, friendships, and self-acceptance. Fans are eagerly awaiting what lies ahead for Makoto, Saki, and Ryuji.
Broadcast Information: The anime airs every Thursday at 24:55 on Fuji TV’s Noitamina block, with streaming available on platforms like Netflix and U-NEXT starting at 25:25. Keep following the story of Makoto, Saki, and Ryuji as they navigate the ups and downs of love, friendship, and personal growth!