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A special feature on cosplay of slightly naughty anime works! “Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins” Melancholy Astaroth “Prison School” Meiko Shiraki “Queen’s Blade” Introducing cosplayers dressed as ancient princess Menace and more!This time’s cosplay feature is about characters that appear in slightly sexy anime!

Anime / Manga

Characters that boast plump bodies and outstanding styles from works such as Melancholy Astaroth from “Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins,” Arrogant Lucifer, “Prison School” Meiko Shiraki, “Queen’s Blade” Ancient Princess Menace, Combat Instructor Alleyne, and Yuki Kasugano from “Yosuga no Sora.” We bring you cosplay photos of

Please enjoy the sexy photos of the girls recreated by the cosplayers!

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

[Character] Melancholy Astaroth (“Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins”)

[Character] Arrogant Lucifer (“Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins”)

[Character] Arrogant Lucifer (“Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins”)

[Character] Meiko Shiraki (“Prison School”)

[Character] Meiko Shiraki (“Prison School”)

[Character] Ancient Princess Menace (“Queen’s Blade”)

[Character] Combat instructor Alleyne (“Queen’s Blade”)

[Character] Yu Kasugano (“Yosuga no Sora”)

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

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Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

