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The conclusion of the TV drama is on the stage. Will “Solliev0” come to Haruyo and Touma? Dress rehearsal report for the stage play “Solliev0” starring Toshiyuki Someya and Takuma Wada | Comments from the first day of the show have arrivedThe stage play “Solliev0”, which concludes the story of “Solliev0”, a TV drama that aired in April 2024, is being performed at Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX in Tokyo from August 2nd to 12th, 2024!

“Solliev0” is a thrilling TV drama that tells the story of the love affair between brothers Fuuma and Haruyo who run an Italian restaurant, as well as a conspiracy surrounding the large corporation Tentsuki Holdings.

In this play, the relationships and love dramas of all the characters are intertwined, and every time a truth is revealed, it brings shock and emotion, making it a fitting finale to “Solliev0”. Here is a report on the dress rehearsal of this highly anticipated play.

“Solliev0” is the story of Haruhi (Toshiyuki Someya), the heir to Tentsuki Holdings, and his half-brother Touma (Takuma Wada), who run a small Italian restaurant called “Solliev0” while also working as a detective in the background. The story begins with the final scene of the TV drama, where Haruhi and Touma confront each other.

The two exchange passionate words, which makes it hard to believe the show has just started. The introduction conveys Haruhi’s feelings of confusion and sadness, and viewers of the TV drama will be transported back to those times and will be able to empathize with Haruhi.

Time has passed since the two broke up, and Touma becomes president of Tentsuki Holdings. However, the former president is not happy with Touma’s appointment, so his secretary, Kaede, searches for him so that Haruhi can take over as president. Meanwhile, Haruhi is still in shock and has left Solliev0.

However, Haruhi’s friend Chidai (Yasui Kazuma) and Kotaro’s friend Eiji (Takizawa Ryo) reunite with Haruhi while searching for the truth behind Kotaro’s death. With the appearance of the mysterious man Toudou (Yoshida Kotaro), the gears of fate begin to turn not only for Fuuma and Haruhi, but for many others around them. How will the true resolution that Fuuma and Haruhi desire be achieved?

The venue, Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX, has seating arranged around a semicircular stage, and it is this closeness that allows the audience to feel the realism of the TV drama as it unfolds on the monitors.

There are many scenes where Sometani, who plays Haruhi, and Wada, who plays Fuuma, confront each other, and each time they do, the tension runs high. “I don’t want to give up on Fuuma yet,” says Haruhi, who cannot believe that Fuuma is the murderer of Kotaro, and there is something strange about Fuuma’s words and actions, as he pushes Haruhi away by saying, “We’re complete strangers now.” The scenes where these two confront each other are worth watching.

The untold past and secrets of Kaede and Chidai, who continue to appear from the TV drama, and Nitta (Taniguchi Masashi), who is contracted to do the dirty work for Touma, are also revealed. In addition, Eiji, who appears for the first time, Touma’s new secretary Yuto (Sakeyo Futa), and Nitta’s subordinates Nishizawa (Kubo Yudai) and Takemoto (Masaki Iku) each play important roles. Among the new characters, Toudou in particular shows suspicious behavior everywhere and often behaves eccentrically, so you can’t take your eyes off him.

In the TV drama, the story unfolded in many different locations, but in this play, the scenes change in a variety of creative ways. And the action scenes, which were one of the highlights of the TV drama, are also perfect. Every time Haruhi and Touma kick or punch, it’s so powerful that it makes you sweat.

Even those who haven’t watched the TV drama can enjoy the play, but by checking out the character relationships and settings in the character introduction on the official website and reviewing the drama, you’re sure to be even more moved and immersed!

“Solliev0” means “salvation” or “comfort” in Italian, but will there be “salvation” at the end of the love drama between Fuuma and Haruhi? Please go see it at the theater and find out for yourself.

The stage play “Solliev0” is currently being performed at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX in Tokyo from August 2nd to 12th, 2024! The additional performance on August 6th at 12:00 will include an after-talk by the cast!

Club eX is a complicated mechanism, so there were some difficult moments, but I’m glad we were able to finish the first day without anyone getting hurt. It’s a great privilege to be able to conclude the drama with a stage play, and I’m very happy that the audience was able to see it through. It’s a pretty heavy story, so there are some mentally tough parts, but I want to deliver a work that will move the audience who come to see it with a fresh feeling, one performance at a time, right up to the final performance.





品川プリンスホテル Club eX(クラブ エックス)

〒108-8611 東京都港区高輪4-10-30(JR/京急線 品川駅高輪口より徒歩5分)




久住 楓:井阪郁巳


伊藤瑛士:滝澤 諒




武元:正木 郁

新田 司:谷口賢志




照明:太田明希(Light Vision)





ヘアメイク:車谷 結






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DMM TV 舞台「Solliev0」

舞台「Solliev0」特設ページ - DMM TV
2024年8月11日(日)、8月12日(月・祝)開催 舞台「Solliev0」をライブ配信!

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舞台「Solliev0」特設ページ - DMM TV
2024年8月11日(日)、8月12日(月・祝)開催 舞台「Solliev0」をライブ配信!




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