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Official report on the stage greetings to commemorate the release of the movie “Soreike! Anpanman Baikinman and the Picture Book of Lurun” | Keiko Toda, Ryusei Nakao, Aya Ueto and others on stageThe movie “Soreike! Anpanman Baikinman and the Picture Book of Lurun” has been released since Friday, June 28, 2024.

Anime / Manga

This time, we have received an official report from the stage greeting held to commemorate the release of this film, which featured appearances by Toda Keiko, who plays Anpanman, Nakao Ryusei, who plays Baikinman, Ueto Aya, who plays Lulun, and Ninety-Nine’s Okamura Takashi, who plays Sutori Zou!

Anpanman and Baikinman appeared before the audience before they had even started watching the film! Amidst thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, Anpanman and Baikinman had a fun exchange, after which the MC called on Toda Keiko, Nakao Ryusei, guest voice actor for this film Aya Ueto, and Ninety-Nine’s Okamura Takashi to appear on stage, and the opening greeting began.

With the film’s release approaching, Toda, who has been the voice of Anpanman since the first episode was aired in 1988, said, “This year, another wonderful film has been made. With guests Ueto Aya and Okamura Takashi, I think it’s ‘the biggest film of the century.’ I’m sure you’ll all be watching it soon, so I hope you’ll have your handkerchiefs ready.” He gave the film his stamp of approval, and Ueto also expressed her joy at the release of this film, which fulfilled her long-cherished dream of appearing in the “Anpanman” film series, saying, “As Toda said, there are some scenes that will bring adults to tears, so I hope you’ll all have your handkerchiefs ready!”

When asked about scenes to watch out for and memorable lines, Toda said, “This time, Baikinman plays an active role! I always want him to play an active role like this, but this time Baikinman plays an active role. When he is really cornered, who will he call? The important thing is, it’s obvious, but he calls Anpanman. Isn’t it wonderful? It brings me to tears when he hears him say, ‘Call Anpanman!’ They are usually enemies, but I feel that they respect each other. Also, the two guest actors took on the challenge bravely, and it takes a lot of skill to express such various emotions with one line. Okamura-san performed it brilliantly, and Aya-chan’s Lurun is also very cute and she also portrayed the sad parts. It has become such a wonderful work.” Nakao said, “There are many lines that I have never said in my 36 years of doing this. My favorite is Lulun’s line, ‘Baikinman, stay here!’ It felt like Ueto herself was saying it, so it made my heart flutter and it has left a lasting impression on me (laughs),” drawing laughter from the audience.

On the other hand, Ueto said, “I grew up watching Anpanman, so it was big news for me when Baikinman became a hero, but the character I’m playing this time, Lulun, is always lacking in courage and is a crybaby. Baikinman encourages Lulun by saying, ‘I’m also a total mess, but I’m going to get back on my feet. So do your best! Let’s do our best together.'” Okamura also said, “Toda-san praised me, but it was hard to make it different from the ‘Zo’ line, even though it was just ‘Zo zo zo’. I hope everyone will enjoy the various ‘Zo’s. I did my best, so the most memorable line is ‘Zo zo zo zo!’ (laughs)” He answered with humor about the highlights of the Suitoru Elephant played by Okamura.


そして、MC が映画『アンパンマン』としては初めての試みで、大人も楽しめる夜の試写会”アンパンマンナイト“が開催され大盛況を呼んだことに触れると、上戸さんは「すごいですね!私も知らなかったので行きたかったです!試写会に参加された方の『お土産もいっぱいで最高だった!』というコメントもみましたよ!」と関心を寄せ、岡村さんからは「いろんな“○○ナイト“があっていいと思います。青いドレスコードで“すいとるナイト”とか(笑)。あとはアンパンマンカラーのドレスで“アンパンマンナイト”、パープルで決める“ばいきんまんナイト”とかね」と逆提案も飛び出しました。

そんな和気あいあいとした温かい雰囲気の中、公開記念舞台挨拶が盛り上がりを見せていると MC から、「実は 7 月 3 日にお誕生日を迎えられる方がいます!」と呼びかけがあり、大きな手拍子とともに戸田さん、上戸さん、中尾さん、そして満員のお客さんから「ハッピーバースデー♪」と大合唱のサプライズ!川越淳監督によって描かれたすいとるゾウと岡村さんのイラスト色紙、アンパンマンキッズコレクション T シャツ、すいとるゾウカラーの花束が贈られた岡村さんは「嬉しいです!ありがとうございます!すいとるゾウのグッズがどこにも売っていなかったので嬉しいです!こんなことをしてもらえると思ってなかったので、、歌まで歌っていただいてありがとうございます!」と満面の笑みを浮かべて感謝を伝えました。



場所:新宿ピカデリー スクリーン1(東京都新宿区新宿3丁目15−15)


Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

