Detective Conan, serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday by Gosho Aoyama since 1994, is about high school detective Shinichi Kudo, who is transformed into a child by a mysterious black-clad organization and takes on difficult cases as Conan Edogawa. It’s a mystery manga that depicts people. The cumulative circulation of the original comics has exceeded 270 million copies, and a total of 105 volumes have been published so far.
The anime TV series began broadcasting in January 1996, and reached 1,000 broadcasts in March 2021. The 27th movie, “Detective Conan: 100 Million Dollars Michishirube,” is being released on April 12, 2024.
Ai Haibara, who appears in Detective Conan, looks like a child, but is actually a member of a black-clad organization. She is the person who developed APTX4869, the drug that turned Shinichi Kudo into an infant. She has now become a child like Shinichi, and while currently being sheltered by Dr. Agasa, she is building a good relationship with him, helping Conan solve cases.
The TENITOL Detective Conan Ai Haibara Complete Figure'' from Furyu's affordable figure brand
TENITOL” is a three-dimensional figure of Ai Haibara sitting on a sofa. The expression on her face as she wears her white coat, and the texture of her sofa are carefully sculpted.
<Product details>
■TENITOL Detective Conan Ai Haibara Completed figure
Reference price: 6,050 yen (tax included)
Release date: Scheduled for December 2024
Manufacturer: Furyu
[Size] Overall height: Approximately 135mm (including sofa)
[Material] ATBC- PVC, ABS
prototype production: Pahhon
- “TENITOL” is a trademark or registered trademark of Furyu Co., Ltd.
(C) Gosho Aoyama/Shogakukan/Yomiuri TV/TMS 1996