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“Just like Iroha-chan and Komugi-chan are a pair, I want to deliver a song to my friends as if they were a pair.” My evolution as a PreCure singer never stops! “Wandaful Purikure! ” An interview with Chisao Yoshitake that lights up the openingThe 21st PreCure series “Wandaful PreCure!” ‘ will be broadcast on 24 ABC TV and TV Asahi network stations nationwide from February 4, 2024 (Sunday).

Anime / Manga

Chihaya Yoshitake, also known as Chihaya Onee-san, sings the opening theme song “Wandaful PreCure! Evolution!!”. Mr. Yoshitake has delivered various songs related to the PreCure series since “Star☆Twinkle PreCure”, but this will be his first time performing the opening song. I am also very happy.

We asked Mr. Yoshitake, who has evolved as a PreCure singer, about his thoughts on “Wandaful PreCure! Evolution!!”, which is filled with his infinite love and excitement for “PreCure”. On the day of the interview, “Hirogaru Sky! Just before PreCure Thanksgiving. It seems like there are a lot of emotions swirling around.

–You previously told us in an interview that you wanted to be in charge of the opening theme in the future, and that dream has finally come true. How did you feel when the decision was made?

Chisao Yoshitake (hereinafter referred to as Yoshitake): I was really happy! Singing the opening song was one of my dreams and goals, so I was filled with joy and a sense of responsibility to be able to be a PreCure singer again this year, so I felt like, “I have to do my best this year too!” Ta.

――Now that the broadcast has started, is that feeling even stronger?

Yoshitake: That’s right. I have already sung it in front of everyone several times, but the first performance will be at “Zen PreCure Live” (January 20th and 21st, 2024, “Zen PreCure 20th Anniversary LIVE!”). “Zen Puri Live” was a live performance where I felt deeply that everyone was passing the baton through their songs. I realized once again that I was able to start our 21st anniversary in a place with a deep history, and from that moment on, that awareness became even stronger.

–Could you please tell us your impressions of “Zen Prelive”?

Yoshitake: It was really fun and a dream-like time! I started participating in the PreCure series from the 16th work, Star☆Twinkle PreCure, so it was my first time participating in the anniversary live. I was able to talk to all the singers that I hadn’t met before, and it was the first time that all 18 of us were able to sing together on stage. From the rehearsal, I was feeling the joy of being a part of this series. When I first heard Yoko Honna and Yukana from Futari wa PreCure'' calling themselves Cure Black and Cure White during rehearsal, I almost fell to my knees (lol). I was really impressed. I'm sure the staff had a hard time, but when they told me, There’s another one next week!” I thought, “I want to do it!” It was such a happy time.

I realized once again that I love PreCure. I realized once again how much support I have on a daily basis. At Zenpuri Live, we had to walk on a trolley track, so it was a big venue, but I was also happy to be able to sing from such a close distance, and the fans expressed their love a lot. I felt so much love from everyone. “PreCure” is wonderful…

――When Yoshitake-san was walking, he saw a child waving to him, and he immediately waved back. It was also impressive that he had such a sparkling expression on his face.

Yoshitake: It was really cute! Everyone waved enthusiastically and danced with me. I’m sure I’ve experienced it many times at events held at nearby venues, but seeing people like that makes me extremely happy. Maybe my mom or dad made it for me, or someone in my family had a fan for me. I was able to find a lot of them myself, and the PreCure singers also told me, “There was a girl with Chihaya-chan’s fan!” I said, “Okay, I’ll find it in the next song!” (laughs) I can’t help but smile when I talk like this. It was really amazing. I was crying the whole time (lol).

――プリキュアシンガー18人による「シェアして!プリキュア」も感動的でしたが、吉武さんが皆さんを引っ張った「All for one Forever」(吉武千颯&礒部花凜/北川理恵/駒形友梨/Machico/宮本佳那子)も圧巻でした。

吉武:はじめて6人揃って歌うことができました! 初めて生で4人で歌わせていただいたのが、先日の『ひろプリライブ』で(2023年10月21日『ひろがるスカイ!プリキュアLIVE2023 Hero Girls Live 〜Max!Splash!GoGo!〜』)。やっぱり6人揃って歌えるってすごく嬉しくて! レコーディングの時から歌分けが決まっていたので、一人ひとりを思い浮かべながら歌っていた分、実際に横を向いたら全員がいるという状況がすごく嬉しかったです。周年ならではだと思います。


吉武:そうですね。池田 彩さんや黒沢ともよさん、仲谷明香さんは直接お会いできたのが今回で。だから本当に嬉しかったですね。でも“はじめまして”感は全然なくて! プリキュアシンガーってなんて温かいんだ!って思いました。休憩時間もみんなで意見を出し合ったりしていたのですが、こういう事がすぐできるなんてなかなかない関係性だなって。リハの最中もみんな一つひとつのことに真剣で、話し合って……「プリキュアシンガーって良いな、頑張らなきゃ」と感じていました。


吉武:本当に! 常にカッコいいんですけども(笑)、キュア・カルテットの皆さん、本当にカッコよくて! 最後に五條さんと(石井)あみちゃんと私の3人で挨拶させてもらったのも、私のなかでは「良いんですか?」という気持ちでした。五條さんからも「来年も頑張ってね」と言ってもらえたので……いろいろなものが込み上げてきてしまいました。


――そして、21周年目の幕開けを担うのが吉武さん! 新衣装もすごくかわいいです!

吉武:かわいいですよね〜! 今まで私が着た衣装の中でもいちばんラブリーな気がします。リボンもたくさんついているし、パニエもすっごくふわふわで、手もすごくかわいい! ここまでプリキュアとお揃いの衣装って久しぶりな気がします。一緒に並ぶとすごく嬉しいです。この間、2月に行われた『映画プリキュアオールスターズF』の“復活祭上映”で着たときに「ここがお揃いだね!」って話をプリキュアとして、一緒に写真を撮りました!



――このインタビューをしているのは、実は『ひろがるスカイ!プリキュア 感謝祭』の直前で……。

吉武:もうリハから号泣してしまっていて。当日はどうなってしまうんだろう……? 『ひろプリ』(『ひろがるスカイ!プリキュア』)もあたたかすぎたなって。20周年ならではのイベントがたくさんあって、例年よりも声優さんたちにお会いできる機会がいっぱいあったんです。その分皆さんとの思い出が多くて。感謝祭は、ひとつの区切りと言えば区切りになると思うんです。だから寂しさがすごいです。(インタビューが掲載されるころには)感謝祭は無事に終わっていると思うので、少しお話させてもらうと、最終回を思い出してしまうような演出がたくさんあるんです。それで、リハであみちゃんと号泣してしまって(苦笑)。声優さんたちも号泣してくださっていて、涙で溢れたリハでした。


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