“Blue Rock” is an anime based on the manga of the same name based on the original work by Muneyuki Kinjo and the manga by Yusuke Nomura, which has sold over 30 million copies and won the juvenile category at the 45th Kodansha Manga Award. . Set in the “Blue Rock (Blue Prison)” project, which was started to develop strikers who will lead Japan to the World Cup championship, 300 high school students from all over the country, all forwards, compete for survival. Draw a story.
When the TV anime began broadcasting in October 2022, its novel worldview and unique characters quickly gained popularity, and along with the broadcast of the final episode of the first season, the production of the second season of the TV series and the movie version was announced. Ta. There is even more excitement ahead of the first movie version, “Blue Rock the Movie -EPISODE Nagi-”, which is scheduled to be released on April 19th.
The 6th episode (#6) of the special program Blue Rock Broadcasting Room Overtime'' will be exclusively broadcast live on
Anime LIVE Channel” from 8:15 pm on April 24th. Decided. The 6th episode (#6) of “Blue Rock Broadcasting Room Overtime”, which is being broadcast irregularly on “ABEMA”, is titled “Business trip version” to commemorate the release of “Blue Rock the Movie -EPISODE Nagi-” It will be delivered from the theater.
On the day of the event, in addition to MC Tsubasa Kaito, who plays the role of Haraku Kai, live guest appearances include Nobunaga Shimazaki, who plays the main character in the movie, Seishiro Nagi, and Yuma Uchida, who plays Reio Mikage. The three cast members will talk about their impressions of the movie version and there will be a variety corner. Be sure to enjoy the first theatrical version of Blue Rock'' as well as the special
ABEMA” program featuring a gorgeous cast.
■Special program “Blue Rock” Broadcast Room Overtime” #6 Exclusive live broadcast Overview
<Broadcast date and time>
Broadcast date and time: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 8:15 p.m.
Broadcast channel: ABEMA Anime Channel 3
Performers ( (Titles omitted)
MC: Tsubasa Kaito (role of Haraku Mawari)
Guests: Nobunaga Shimazaki (role of Seishiro Nagi), Yuma Uchida (role of Reio Mikage)
(C) Muneyuki Kinjo, Yusuke Nomura, Kodansha/“Blue Rock” Production Committee