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Introducing all the information about Kaji Akihiko from “Given”! We’ll explain everything from his profile and personality, his approach to music and love, to notable scenes!”Given” is a youth drama centered around the members of a rock band, drawn by Kizu Natsuki. It was serialized in Shinshokan’s “Cheri+” from 2013 to the May 2023 issue, and is currently being serialized in “Given 10th Mix,” a story that depicts the story 10 years after their high school days.

“Given” has many fans as a supreme BL work, and in 2024, the final story of the main story will be released as a two-part movie, making it a year of endless topics. To commemorate the release of the final chapter, “Given: To the Sea,” which will be released on September 20th, we will introduce the profiles and personalities of the main characters, as well as notable scenes.

*This article contains spoilers.

His family consists of his father and mother. His father is a musician and lives in England, while his mother lives a relaxed life at home. When his parents separate, he moves into Murata Ugetsu’s house. He has studied karate and violin since he was a child, and is a jack-of-all-trades type who can play not only the drums but also the guitar and bass.

When he was competing for first and second place in a national competition, Akihiko had a certain amount of dreams and confidence in his music, but when he entered high school and met Ugetsu, he was overwhelmed by his talent and essentially gave up the violin. Still, he continued playing the violin to be on an equal footing with Ugetsu, but when he told him he wanted to break up, he started playing the drums as a way to escape.

When Mafuyu, who had refused to join the band, said that he was worse at expressing himself than other people, Ritsuka revealed his feelings, saying, “Your song moved my heart.” Akihiko could see the overlap with his past self and understood Ritsuka’s pain.

After leaving Haruki’s house, Akihiko began to take music seriously both at school and in his band, and even entered a violin competition. When he noticed that Haruki had come to watch, Akihiko chased after Haruki, who had already left. Akihiko came

fourth in the competition. Akihiko wasn’t very happy with his result, but suddenly he started talking about how he had broken up with Ugetsu. Haruki, who thought that it was Ugetsu who had changed Akihiko’s way of life, confronts him about the things that had been building up inside him.

He changed in order to become a man worthy of Haruki. After hearing Mafuyu’s song, he wanted to change, and was trying to face the things he had been running away from.





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