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The second main visual and official trailer for “Dragon Ball DAIMA” have been released! Yumiko Kobayashi will play the role of Kaiōshin (mini), and Kouki Uchiyama and Fairouz Ai will voice new characters.”Dragon Ball DAIMA” will start airing on Fuji TV from Friday, October 11, 2024.

The second main visual and the official trailer have now been released.

Additional cast members were also announced, including Yumiko Kobayashi as Kaiōshin (mini), Kouki Uchiyama as the new character Glorio, and Fairouz Ai as Panji.

In addition, information about the theme song has also been released.

The first release shows the true face of Panji, a new character who was previously wearing a mask and cape, and also shows Gomar and a new mysterious character peeking at Goku (mini) and the others from behind.

The catchphrase for the second installment has also changed from “Welcome to the great adventure!!” in the first installment to “Welcome to the Great Demon World!!”, making it clear that the setting for the adventure is the “Great Demon World.”

What kind of adventure will Goku (mini), Kaiōshin (mini), and new characters Glorio and Panji have in the mysterious and mysterious world of “Daimakai” where conspiracies are swirling?

The newly released trailer begins with a mysterious spell, set in a strange world never seen before in Dragon Ball.

The video depicts the dynamic adventure of Goku (mini) and Kaiōshin (mini), who have been shrunk by a “conspiracy,” along with new characters Glorio and Panji, in the Great Demon Realm, set to the opening theme song.

Additionally, many characters are making their first appearance in this trailer, including a mysterious figure resembling Kaiōshin, a woman-like figure sitting with a mysterious smile, and the shadows of monsters lurking in the Great Demon Realm!

Yumiko Kobayashi will play Kaiōshin (mini), who became small along with Goku (mini) due to a “certain conspiracy.” Additionally, Koki Uchiyama will play Glorio, a new character who joins Goku and his friends, and Fairouz Ai will play Panji, a new character whose mask is removed to reveal his true face.

In addition, Kobayashi, Uchiyama, and Fairouz are scheduled to appear on stage at the “Dragon Ball Daimatsuri” event to be held at Tokyo Big Sight on Sunday, October 6th.

“Dragon Ball” is a work that changed my life, so just being able to audition made me so excited that I thought “I have no regrets!” I never thought I would actually be selected, so I seriously wondered what I would do if it was really a dream.

We hope that everyone who watches “Dragon Ball DAIMA” will have an unforgettable memory of a great adventure! Please enjoy!!

I never thought I’d be able to appear in “Dragon Ball,” so I felt it was a good coincidence and an honor to be able to take part.

It’s a production that can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, from those who are big fans of “Dragon Ball” to those who don’t know much about it yet. Not only is there action, but the entire film is full of lavish visuals, and each episode unfolds at a dizzying pace, so I hope you’ll watch it until the end!

I am truly honored to be able to be involved as an actor in the Dragon Ball series, which is loved all over the world. I think DAIMA is a series that is packed with the charm of the Dragon Ball worldview.

The characters go to many different places in the film, and each location is packed with interesting drama, so I think viewers will feel as if they are on an adventure together! I hope you enjoy it.

The opening theme song, “Jaka☆Jaaan” by Zedd feat. C&K, was written by Zedd specifically for “Dragon Ball DAIMA.”


今回のコラボレーションは長年、『DRAGON BALL』のファンであることを公言してきたゼッド氏が『ドラゴンボール DAIMA』からのオファーを受けて楽曲を制作したことで実現しました。またゼッド氏にとって、アニメーション作品の主題歌を担当するのは初となります。

さらに、歌詞は『CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA』、『限界突破×サバイバー』などドラゴンボールの世界を彩る数々の名曲を世に送り出した森雪之丞氏が担当。そして圧倒的な歌唱力とジャンルレスな音楽性で人気を確立するシンガーソングライターユニットC&Kが日本発のアニメならではのサビが欲しいというゼッド氏のリクエストのもと、作曲にも参加し、歌唱を担当。

『DRAGON BALL』の歴史に新たなページを刻む豪華コラボ曲が完成しました。



『ドラゴンボール』のお陰で、何度も歌詞の限界を突破してきました。けれど強くなった悟空に僕の言葉がどこまでついていけるか、実は密かに脅えていたんです(笑)。でも、さすが、鳥山先生!“戦闘”から“冒険”へと、ちょっとベクトルを変えた DAIMA は、新たなワクワクへ僕達を導いてくれます。

何かに傷ついて心が縮んでしまった時、ゼッドと C&K と一緒に作ったこのファンファーレを口ずさんで、DAIMA の仲間を思い出してください。勇気が、あなたの次の一歩を照らしてくれますように。


昔も今も大好きなドラゴンボールのお話が来たときには、胸が熱くなりました!新しいドラゴンボール DAIMA が、子供にも大人にも影響を与える素晴らしい作品になっていくことを楽しみにしています!僕らみたいなアーティストが関われたことを誇りに思います!(KEEN)






【10:00回】『ドラゴンボール DAIMA』第1話上映会(ワールドプレミア)+舞台挨拶

【14:15回】『ドラゴンボール DAIMA』第1話上映会+舞台挨拶

【18:00回】『ドラゴンボール DAIMA』第1話上映会









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