The monthly “Shonen Gangan” serial “Sentai Red: Becoming an Adventurer in Another World” will be turned into a TV anime in January 2025, and the teaser PV has been released! Comments from voice actors Tomoya Ito, Yoshimi Inagaki, Minami Tanaka, and Tomohiro Ohno have arrived!It has been announced that the highly popular “Sentai Red: Becoming an Adventurer in Another World” (by Torakichi Nakayoshi), currently being serialized in the monthly “Shonen Gangan” (published by Square Enix), will be adapted into a TV anime series, which will begin airing in January 2025. The shortened nickname for the TV anime will be “Isekai Red.”
Along with the announcement, a teaser visual, teaser PV, staff and cast information, and a congratulatory comment from T...