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A spectacular cast of voice actors will be appearing! Here’s the official report from the “Hana Doll*” stage event!!”Hana Doll* -Air Quotes- Anthos* Stage Event 2024″ is a stage event for Hana Doll* held at Bunkyo Civic Hall on August 4, 2024.

The official flash report of the event, which featured performances by the unit Anthos*, Hamano Daiki, Horie Shun, Ito Kento, Komada Wataru, Toki Shunichi, Yamashita Seiichiro, and Masuda Toshiki, has arrived!

Also included is information on the archived online ticket that will allow you to watch the event until August 11th, as well as the latest release information! Be sure to check it out ♪

“Hana Doll* -Air Quotes- Anthos* Stage Event 2024” was held at Bunkyo Civic Hall on August 4, 2024.

Appearing at this event were Hamano Daiki (role of Kagekawa Ryōga), Horie Shun (role of Yashiro Setsuna), Ito Kento (role of Toudou Masato), Komada Wataru (role of Chise), Toki Shunichi (role of Kisaragi Kaoru), Yamashita Seiichiro (role of Yuki Mahiro), and Masuda Toshiki (role of Kiyose Yota) from Anthos*, the unit active in “Hana Doll*” (pronounced “Hana Doll”), a thought-provoking, “intellectually stimulating” music drama CD content created by Movic Co., Ltd.

This was the fourth stage event for “Hana Doll*”. During the live performance, various unit songs from the 3rd season album were performed, including the solo series “2nd solo series -Air Quotes-“, which includes songs written by the Anthos* members themselves, and the venue was excited.

On stage, the world of Anthos* grew deeper with each season through the direction, performance, props, art, and more, as well as the cast. The reading was full of laughs and showed the seven members as friendly as ever.

This year marks the 5th anniversary of “Hana Doll*”. The first song of this memorable event was their latest song “Liberation”. The seven torsos placed on the stage suddenly transformed into the figures of Anthos* members. The seven members, illuminated by green and red lights, quickly drew Antholic into their world with their delicate lyrics and dark melody.

The next song, “RNPN,” featured a distinctive gun-shooting choreography. I’m sure many Antholic members were touched by the chorus. The venue was filled with Anthos*’s vibrant singing voice and cool rap, and the stage was already dyed in Anthos* colors even at the beginning of the event.

After performing the two songs, Toki, who plays Kisaragi Kaoru, started the MC. It was a very hot day, so many members were concerned about Antholic at the venue as they introduced themselves, and Yamashita, who plays Yuki Mahiro, called on everyone to work together to create a hot stage, in reference to the heat outside. Antholic responded with encouraging cheers, and the seven members on stage looked happy.

When Toki-san mentioned the milestone of reaching the 5th anniversary, the audience shouted out “Thank you.” Horie-san, who plays Yashiro Setsuna and officially joined Anthos* midway through the series, also spoke of how these past few years felt incredibly short.

During the opening talk segment, Komada-san and Hamano-san, who have become familiar faces, greeted Antholic fans overseas in English. Hamano-san was in charge of the greeting during the afternoon session, conveying global love for Antholic.

The following reading play will see the staff put their bonds to the test the day before the stage event. Set in the Tokyo Dome City area, which is currently being collaborating with the event, the team splits into two, Ryōga, Setsuna, Masato, and Youta, and Chise, Kaoru, and Mahiro, and they start the game from different locations to see if they can meet within the time limit.

At the beginning, there were moments of uncertainty as to whether the two teams would really be able to meet, as each member’s personality explodes and they continue to miss each other, deducing where they are headed from the atmosphere and personalities of each team, but then going off track and playing freely instead. However, as the story progresses, the actions of the two teams begin to mesh well, and Anthos* is able to meet at a certain place.

The atmosphere changes completely, and a video based on Anthos*’s “Air Quotes” series is projected into the darkness. Reaching out from the depths of the ocean, the sun emerges. A solar eclipse causes the sky to storm, and the rain turns to diamonds. Snow piles up and eventually melts. Taking a bite of a poisoned apple will allow you to exchange the pain for the connection you seek. You won’t be able to take your eyes off the meaningful motifs and messages that appear on the screen one after the other.

After the interval video, the stage resumed for the live performance. Each Anthos* member performed a solo song with lyrics written by the member himself from the second solo series “Air Quotes Series”. The solo song live, which gives a glimpse into their inner selves, began with Kisaragi Kaoru’s “Girl, it’s you”.

This time, a rose-holding hand was placed on the stage, and each of the seven members incorporated a single rose into their performance. The rose represents the “most important thing” that each of them holds in their hearts. In “Girl, it’s you,” Toki’s gentle and romantic singing of the lyrics’ theme of “feelings of love” is impressive, as if she is speaking to the rose.

As the song ended and the intro to Kiyose Yota’s “Favorite Playlist” started, Masuda ran over to Toki, who was still on stage, and began the performance. The performance, which reminded the audience of the close relationship between Kaoru and Yota, excited the audience. “Favorite Playlist” is a bright and pop song that is typical of Yota. During the chorus, which has an official call-out, the audience joined together to liven up the stage.

The next song, “Katarikoi,” is also a song full of Toudou Masato’s signature style, singing about secret love. Ito, who tried his hand at dancing, and the back dancers performed with somewhat sad expressions. The light reflected off the fan prop, and some viewers may have seen purple and another color.


熱い会場に清涼感を届けたのは八代刹那のソロ曲「Something in the air」。客席は、刹那が作詞した儚くまっすぐなラブソングを歌いあげる堀江さんの透明度高い歌声に聞き入っていました。

続いてダンサーを従え、まるで彼らを操っているかのようなパフォーマンスを見せたのは影河凌駕のソロ「My CAMERA」。タイトルにもある“カメラ”のシャッターを切るような仕草や、パパラッチに追いかけられるアイドルの現実を濱野さんがオリジナリティのあるコミカルな振付で表現し、曲の世界観を高めます。

そしてソロ曲パートの最後を締めくくるのは結城眞紘の「RED Toxic」。照明で赤く染まったステージで、振付によって露になった眞紘のトレードマークでもあるうなじの赤い華に客席からも歓声が。警官に扮したバックダンサーに負けじと激しいダンスを見せる山下さんに客席のボルテージも最高潮へ!

そんな熱いステージから一転、暗い中には意味深な音が。海から上がり月夜の砂漠をゆっくり歩く足音に誘われ、再びステージに7人が集まります。ゆったりと椅子に腰かけ、「Mirage in Mirage」を歌い上げるAnthos*を見て客席も思わずうっとり。ちょっぴり大人でエモーショナルなステージが展開されました。

続いての最新情報発表コーナーでは、新たに制作が決定した4thシーズンの告知やアニメ『華Doll*』の続報など嬉しいお知らせが続々発表されました。そして最後は皆さんお待ちかねのあの曲。公式コールとクラップが発表されていた「Clap! Clap! Clap!」を7人がAntholicたちを巻き込んで歌い、その曲名の通り大きな拍手に包まれてこの日のイベントは幕を閉じました。

なお、本イベントは、アーカイブオンラインチケットと生視聴+アーカイブオンラインチケットをお持ちの方は、8月11日(日)23:59まで配信を楽しむことができます。お見逃しの方は、是非アーカイブの配信チケットでご覧ください! チケット情報の詳細は以下をご確認ください。

◆アーカイブオンラインチケット+限定デジタル画像特典B<Thanks to ver.直筆複製メッセージ入り>/昼夜各5,500円(税込)





◆生配信+アーカイブオンラインチケット+限定デジタル画像特典C<To Antholic ver.直筆複製メッセージ入り>/昼夜各6,500円(税込)


















  1. Project Archive: A 3-21
  2. 2. Project Archive: A 3-22
  3. 3. Project Archive: A 3-23
  4. 4. Project Archive: A 3-24
  5. 5. Project Archive: A 3-25
  6. 6. Spectac1e
  7. 7. Roughing laughing
  8. ドラマパート5トラック+ユニット楽曲2曲









ジャケットビジュアルカード 1種



ジャケットビジュアルスクエア缶バッジ 1種



Loulou*diの2ndシーズンから3rdシーズンの楽曲17曲のインストをまとめた「華Doll* -Loulou*di Instrumental music collection-」(ハナドールルルディインストゥルメンタルミュージックコレクション)が9月13日から配信・サブスクで販売開始予定!


Loulou*diに特化したアイテムの登場! 未公開情報を含む設定資料や、はまたけし先生による全楽曲解説、篁先生の美麗ビジュアルがふんだんにつまったファンブックと全劇伴を収録したCD、2022年に行ったファンミーティングの映像を収録したDVDが入った待望の商品が遂に発売。








・Special Loumielカード 1種

・ビジュアルカード 3種






Loulou*diオリジナルステッカーセット(櫻井鬨) 1種

『華Doll*』4thシーズン制作が決定しました! タイトルは「Human or Doll(ヒューマン オア ドール)」。





Are you a thinking reed?


▼TVアニメ「華Doll* -Reinterpretation of Flowering-」SUPER TEASER









トーク、朗読、ライブ 他








































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