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Everyone will gather at Odaiba on August 1st! “Digimon” anime 25th anniversary commemoration “Digimon movie double feature revival screening” and stage greeting will be held. Everyone in the venue will sing “Butter-Fly” with all their hearts!To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Digimon anime, a double feature revival screening of the Digimon movies will be held from August 9, 2024. Prior to that, a preview screening and stage greeting was held in Odaiba, where the “chosen children,” including Yagami Taichi, gathered on August 1, the day they went on their adventure!

The guests are Chinatsu Sakamoto, who is the voice of Agumon, AiM, the artist who has worked on many Digimon songs, Shintaro Matsui, a music producer who has worked on many Digimon songs, and Hiromi Seki, the original producer of the Digimon anime series.

We will be reporting on the stage greeting, which was packed with new information, including behind-the-scenes stories that can only be revealed now, the release of a special PV, and the announcement of the release of a new album!

The event started with Agumon’s voice-over, “Thank you everyone for coming!”. Immediately after, AiM appeared and sang “Stand by Me ~One Summer Adventure~” while expressing her gratitude, “Thank you for coming to our 25th anniversary!”

After finishing the song, Sakamoto, Matsui, and Seki appeared on stage and each gave a few words of thanks and greetings for the 25th anniversary.

As mentioned at the beginning, “August 1” and “Odaiba” are important days and places for the work. Looking back on his memories of the past 25 years, Sakamoto-san chose “the scene where Mimi and Palmon’s hat flies off as their farewell” as the most memorable scene, and showed us Mimi’s hat that he hand-sewed for this event.

AiM recalled that she was so focused on the dubbing at the time that she didn’t remember anything, but when she rewatched it in preparation for the event, she said that she loved the comedy scene in episode 10 where Koshiro and Tentomon go through the ruins.

Sakamoto and Seki also talked about the behind-the-scenes stories from that time. They mentioned how when they asked him to make a song like the movie “Stand by Me”, he was surprised to find out that the song was not about a “summer adventure” but about love, and how when a “Digimon” collaboration was held at Sanrio Puroland in the past, Matsui quickly voiced the opening warning scene for the “Digimon Grand Prix”, a content in which Agumons raced, and the scene was used as it was.

Next, we moved to the announcements section.

First, there was an introduction to the “Digimon Adventure Exhibition,” which is about to open. There are plenty of things to see, from the precious materials on display at the time to the many photo spots and new merchandise.

The materials on display include meeting materials and notes from the time that had been lying dormant at Seki-san’s parents’ house, and are apparently things that have never been seen outside at all.

In addition, some brand new merchandise was unveiled on stage.

The Tokyo event will be held from August 10th to 25th, and the Osaka event will be held from October 5th to 20th.

The second announcement is that an album by “Ishida Yamato x TEEN-AGE WOLVES” will be released!

The announcement was greeted with laughter and loud applause.

According to Sakamoto, details will be released soon, but he says the album will include new songs, so let’s look forward to it.

Third, a special PV was released to commemorate the 25th anniversary!

The footage includes scenes of the children other than Taichi meeting their partner Digimon, as well as depictions of all of the Digimon that the characters meet during their journey, a detail that Director Kamatani Yu was particular about.

It was a truly special PV that combined nostalgia with new elements.

And the song that plays in the PV is “Butter-Fly,” which is synonymous with “Digimon.” We all wanted to sing along with the audience and those watching the stream, so we all sang along to the opening video.

The event was now time to end. Finally, on behalf of the speakers, AiM and Sakamoto gave a message of thanks for the 25th anniversary and asked everyone to continue loving Digimon in the future, and the event came to a close.

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