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“Only Hanazawa could play the role of Kitagawa” — A special conversation between Hanazawa Kana and director Nakamura Kenji of “Mononoke Karakasa the Movie” has been released!”Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa” is now in theaters from Friday, July 26, 2024.

A special conversation between Hanazawa Kana, who plays Kitagawa, and director Nakamura Kenji has been released!

*This interview contains spoilers.

— This is the first movie version of “Mononoke” and the first revival in 17 years. How did you feel about the difference between the media of television and film?

Director Kenji Nakamura (hereinafter, Nakamura) : I realized that the depth of what can be done with movies is significantly different from that of TV anime. When making a TV anime with many episodes, you take a rough overview and think about how to show the mission that should be included in each episode. However, with a movie, since it is a single work, you look at the whole picture up close instead of from a bird’s eye view. You start to notice things that you wouldn’t notice if you were looking at it from a bird’s eye view, and you start to pay attention to the details. Also, showing the story from the start to the end in one go is like swimming in one breath without taking a breath. I thought that movies are able to challenge complex and high-context things in that one breath.

–Hanazawa-san, were you surprised by the advance lecture that Director Nakamura gave you, which was different from that of a normal anime…?

Kana Hanazawa (hereinafter Hanazawa) : Before the dubbing, Director Nakamura gave me a PDF with the theme of the story and detailed information about the characters. It supplemented Kitagawa’s background and character traits that you can’t understand just by reading the script, and it became a guide for me when acting. Depending on the work, I sometimes receive something like an explanation separate from the script, but this was the first time I received a PDF with such a large volume of detailed information. In a good way… it’s unusual (laughs). To begin with, the script was so thick that it was hard to believe it was 89 minutes long, and it was difficult to act while holding it in one hand during dubbing.

Nakamura : Everyone, including Hanazawa-san, did a lot of great preparations beforehand apart from their acting!

Hanazawa : Director Nakamura also had the time to personally explain the settings that couldn’t be fully conveyed in the PDF, so I was grateful that he prepared that much in advance, and I felt his passion for this work. His enthusiasm made me excited, and it also made me think, “I can’t do anything poorly!” I remember going into the dubbing with that feeling of, “I have to do my best!”

–What are your thoughts behind the setting of this play, “Ooku”?

Nakamura : The Ooku in this story is a metaphor for the earth, the country, society, school, family… all of these groups. As it is Ooku, there are of course stories specific to women, but I intended to develop a universal human drama. The fact that many of the maids are faceless also conveys two meanings: “mob characters who have lost their individuality” and “being stained by the organization.”

Hanazawa : The scene where the face of the maid who was with her as a colleague changed as soon as Kitagawa-san let go of her hand struck me deeply. Even though we belonged to the same organization, the moment I threw her away, she became someone who had nothing to do with me… That cruelty is scary. I also thought that the theme of the story, “living alone within an organization,” is modern. As long as you are part of an organization, you have to cherish the group. But where should you put your ideals and aspirations? I think that this conflict can be faced by students and working adults alike. Kitagawa-san’s words are words that she wants to convey to Asa-chan, but in fact they are words that seem to be directed at herself, and even though Kitagawa-san seems to be physically there, she also seems to have a vague thought, and I don’t know whether Kitagawa-san’s voice is reaching her or not. I had a hard time expressing that kind of fluctuation.

-Please tell us why you chose Hanazawa for the role of Kitagawa.




花澤:ともよちゃんとは彼女が 10 代の頃からの知り合いで、一緒に焼き芋フェスに行ったこともあるくらい仲が良いです。現場で会うのは久しぶりだったので、お芋好きのともよちゃんのために私イチオシの芋けんぴを買って、アフレコ前に一緒に食べました。ともよちゃんが芋けんぴをポリポリと食べている姿を眺めていたら凄く幸せな気分になりました。





中村:人気実力が共にあるお二人がプライベートでも仲が良いというのは、ヤバい情報です(笑)。まさかこの二人が繋がっているのかという驚きがあります。役者同士で仲が良いという話は聞きますが、それだってたまにお茶に行く程度。出会いから長く、一緒に芋フェスに行くほどの仲であるとは…。サッカーで言うところの、凄いフォワードが 2 人も揃っている状況です。





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