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Yuma Uchida will hold his second Budokan live performance to conclude his 5th anniversary as an artist! “YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE “Y”” official report arrivesYuma Uchida, who is active as a voice actor and artist, held “YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE ‘Y'” on April 13th at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo.

Anime / Manga

The official report that describes the events of the day has arrived, so let’s publish it here.

This marks the end of his 5th anniversary as an artist, and his second live performance at Budokan since November 2022.The first half is filled with the past 5 years, and the songs from his 3rd album “Y” released last November. In the second half, which was centered around the group, they performed a total of 22 powerful songs in an unprecedented conceptual live performance, captivating fans.

Also, during the live performance, Yuma Uchida announced a new challenge against the band titled “VS YUMA.” The exact schedule and opponents will be announced at a later date.

The venue went dark, and Yuma Uchida started running vigorously, jumping up into the sky and playing the Opening Movie ~flY~, in which the character “Y”, the title of this work, was expressed all over his body, and expectations were high as he appeared on stage. They sang “Harmony of waves” loudly, and in the same vein as their debut song “NEW WORLD,” they performed a medley of songs from their 2nd to 4th singles such as “Before Dawn,” “Speechless,” and “Rainbow.”

They move between the upper and lower stages of the stage, communicating with fans and singing while savoring each word one by one. “Good evening everyone! Welcome to 5th Anniversary Live “Y”! This is Yuma Uchida. Are you ready to give your all? This is a live show packed with Yuma Uchida’s 5th anniversary! Let’s create a live show together with everyone, walk together over the past five years, and take the best step forward together! ‘ he cheerfully called out to the audience.

During “Over,” he moved to a unique Y-shaped flower path, donned a white denim jacket, and performed “DNA” and “Image” accompanied by dancers. After returning to the main stage and singing SOS,'' he said, I want everyone to sing together for one song from now on.The next song is “I’m not complete.” I put that into the song,” he said, singing the gospel part of the song along with the fans, and the venue came together as one.

Over a seamless performance by the band members, he called out, Now we would like to begin the Uchida Yuuma transformation” corner that everyone has been waiting for!” and then opened the SHAKE!'' corner where fans were allowed to take photos. SHAKE! SHAKE! After Congrats!!”, the six dancers who support Uchida gathered together to perform “Congrats!!”.

After running through the first nine songs, which follow Yuma Uchida’s previous releases, we moved on to “Interlude Movie ~trail~.” The first half of the opening video is depicted, and Yuma Uchida is shown walking while zapping his previous songs. After the video, the show moves on to the second half, which focuses on the third album “Y” that depicts Yuma Uchida’s future.

They appeared from the 2nd floor area of the stage and powerfully sang “I’m here,” which is also included as the first song on the album. Uchida’s most difficult dance number in history, “DangeR,” followed by “Hope,” which has a loud rock sound, and then the dancers and band members’ break block on “Kaze de Naritai.”

They changed into red truck jackets and continued with the pop number Monotanai,'' followed by Shot,” which gained momentum with a performance that had the entire venue twirling towels, saying, From now on, we're going to start passing around towels!'' They sang the ballad number Good mood” softly, and in “iDea,” they used chairs to perform with a mature and relaxed style that excited the audience.

This time, I wanted to do what I wanted to do, so I reduced the number of MCs and created a live show that delivered the music to everyone.It took us so long to get to this point, but I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you can continue to share the fun with us through Yuma Uchida's music and create the greatest fun together. Thank you for your continued support. Can you give me your best voice?”, she energetically performed the lead song Joyful'' from her 3rd album Y”. Uchida leaves the stage, filling the venue with smiles.

Called for an encore, Uchida returned to the stage and performed “MAJESTIC” and “Wonderful World” in succession. “I came back for an encore! Thank you very much! At MAJESTIC, I had everyone (dancers) wave the flag, but at the commemorative exhibition held at the venue, I received messages from everyone and I placed the flag on stage. I used it in I think all of everyone’s feelings are packed here. thank you very much.

Through this activity, I learned that playing music can be so much fun, and that by receiving the power from everyone, I can move forward one step at a time in a positive manner. The person who taught me that was definitely you, who discovered it by listening to my music. thank you very much.

I created this song because I wanted my music to be the kind of music that could cheer someone up when they feel lonely or lack the courage to be alone. Please listen to it, Tabiji'','' he sings with all his heart, Tabiji,” which he wrote the lyrics to. He left the stage leaving behind a feeling of regret for the fans in the venue.

会場の声に呼ばれて三度ステージに登場した内田は会場のコーラスとのハーモニーに包まれた『Echo』を歌い上げ、このライブがLeminoにて4/20(土)19時から配信スタートすること、新たな挑戦として「VS YUMA」という対バン企画が行われることが告知された。

第1弾の日程や対バン相手は5月30日にお知らせとなる。ラストに『1 LOVE 1』をパフォーマンスし、会場中を練り歩きながら会場中とコミュニケーションをとり、「またみんなでこの場所で会えるように、また一歩ずつ頑張りたいと思います。みなさん今日は本当にありがとうございました!また必ずお会いしましょう」と話し、アーティスト活動5周年を締めくくる武道館ライブは幕を閉じた。




<4/13(土)セットリスト 全22曲(アンコール含む)>

<Opening Movie 〜flY〜>

M-0 Harmony of waves


M-2 メドレー(Before Dawn〜Speechless〜Rainbow)


M-3 Over


M-5 Image



M-7 I’m not complete


M-9 Congrats!!

<Interlude Movie 〜trail〜>

M-10I’m here

M-11 DangeR

M-12 Hope

-Dance & Band Break(風でありたい)-

M-13 ものたんない

M-14 Shot

M-15 Good mood

M-16 iDea


M-17 Joyful



M-19 Wonderful World


M-20 旅路




M-22 1LOVE1

・配信日時:2024年4月20日(土)開場18:30 / 開演19:00


・配信チケット販売期間:2024年4月13日(土)20:30~ 2024年4月29日(月)21:00

・販売価格:3,900円(税込) ※別途システム手数料有り




③ローチケ一般販売配信チケット ※特典なし

※詳細は内田雄馬 ライブ特設サイトをご確認ください。

■『YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE 「Y」』ライブ特設サイト

YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE 「Y」
YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE 「Y」 内田雄馬アーティスト5周年イヤーの集大成となる日本武道館公演決定!




YUMA UCHIDA 5th Anniversary LIVE 「Y」
内田雄馬 武道館ライブ│セットリストプレイリスト公開!

声優として「BANANA FISH」など数々の人気作で主演を務め、第十三回声優アワードでは主演男優賞を受賞。その後も「呪術廻戦」伏黒恵役、「ちいかわ」ラッコ役、「BORUTO-ボルト- -NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS-」カワキ役、「BANANA FISH」アッシュ・リンクス役など数多くのキャラクターを演じ、今最も注目を集める声優の1人。

2018年5月に1stシングル「NEW WORLD」でアーティストデビュー。伸びやかなヴォーカルとキレのあるダンスを武器とし、これまでにシングル10枚とアルバム2枚をリリース。昨年、2022年11月12日(土)&13日(日)には日本武道館の2DAYSライブ、『YUMA UCHIDA LIVE 2022「Gratz! / your world, our world」』を開催し、2日間で16,000人を動員。

2023年11月29日(水)には約2年振りとなる3rd Album『Y』をリリース。





Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

