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Summary of information on Soshiro Hoshina, vice-captain of the 3rd unit of the 2024 spring anime “Monster No. 8”! We will tell you all about his personality, personality, strength, and his relationship with the main character, Kafka Hibino, and the captain, Mina Abyaku.“Kaiju No. 8” (original work: Naoya Matsumoto) began broadcasting in April 2024. This is a popular work that depicts the battle of the Japanese Defense Force to subdue monsters in Japan.

Anime / Manga

Soshiro Hoshina is the vice-captain of the 3rd unit and a sword specialist. He is skilled in close combat, and has the ability to subjugate small and medium-sized monsters, surpassing his captain, Mina Abyaku.

In this article, we will summarize Soshiro Hoshina’s personality, personality, and strength, as well as his relationship with the main character, Kafka Hibino, and the captain, Mina Ajiro, as well as future notable scenes.

*This article contains spoilers.

Age: Unknown

Birthday: November 21st

Height: 171cm

Likes: Reading, coffee, Mont Blanc, simple people

Vice-captain of the 3rd Japanese Defense Force. He is a sword specialist and is good at close combat. No one can match Hoshina when it comes to subjugating small and medium-sized monsters. He has special respect for his captain, Mina Ajiro, and assists her when she is not good with knives.

Hoshina is usually cheerful and friendly. He is very caring, and not only attends the training of new members, but also holds Kendo lessons for Hoshina himself, and teaches swordsmanship to his juniors. Although he never skimps on his guidance, he never forgets to take care of their mental health, so he is a strict but warm superior to Kafka and other new recruits.

Hoshina himself is a person with a great sense of humor, as he likes simple and funny people, and even laughed at Kafka’s struggle during the military entrance exam, calling him a “comedian” even after Kafka joined the military.

On the other hand, even if he acts like a goofball on the surface, he always keeps a calm head. He is extremely ruthless towards monsters, and when Kafka confronts him in the form of Kaiju No. 8, he is frightened by the pressure. He is also very intuitive and seems to have figured out No. 8’s true identity even before it was revealed.

Hoshina, who comes from one of Kansai’s leading monster-slaying families dating back to the Muromachi period, is a master of the Hoshina style of sword-slaying, which has been passed down through generations in his family, and is now an unparalleled sword specialist.

Due to the characteristics of this weapon, it is at a disadvantage against large monsters. However, when it comes to subjugating small and medium-sized monsters, he boasts abilities that surpass his captain, Ahaku.

The defense force suit’s release force (an index representing strength) is over 90%, and its special weapon is a twin sword. His movements were so quick that the eye couldn’t keep up with them, and Kafka, who fought him, felt that they were “not human movements.”

Sword-killing techniques are used in a two-sword style using dual swords, and subjugation techniques are used in a single-sword style.

●Sword cutting technique type 1, air attack

● sword cutting technique, type 2, cross attack

● sword cutting technique, type 3, return attack

● sword cutting technique, type 4, random attack

● sword cutting technique, type 5, haze attack

● sword cutting technique, type 6, double attack

● sword Cutting Jujutsu Type 7 Juni-Hitoe

● Subjugation technique 1st type Oborouki

● Subjugation technique 2nd type Wind hole

● Subjugation technique 3rd type Reverse beat

It is compatible with the monster weapon “Numbers 10”, which is based on “Monster No. 10”, which he himself defeated in a deadly battle, and becomes the user.

Because No. 10’s will remains and has been turned into a weapon, they initially have trouble communicating and act erratically, but through battle they become a great pair that works well together. There are many readers who are fans of the Hoshina/No. 10 duo.

Hoshina offers to keep Kafka in his platoon as a candidate for Kafka, who did not meet the criteria for passing the entrance exam. This is partly because Hoshina likes Kafka as a person, but also because he senses that Kafka is involved in the incident that occurred during the practical exam, and wants to find out the true identity of it.

Although Hoshina has doubts about Kafka, he gradually begins to develop feelings for him after seeing Kafka’s hard work. He was the one who appreciated Kafka’s accomplishments in his first mission and promoted him to full rank.

Even after Kafka’s true identity is revealed and it is decided that he will be officially used as a monster weapon, he still cares about Kafka and trains him in formation martial arts and Hoshina style martial arts in order to strengthen him.

For Kafka, Hoshina is a mentor, someone he wants to be recognized more than anyone else, and a rival who stands next to Mina Abyaku, his goal.

Hoshina originally joined the army in the Kansai region, but in modern times when it became more common to use firearms to subjugate monsters than swords, people around him told him that he was “outdated,” that he should step back from the field and become a leader, and that he should give up. I kept being told that.






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