The anticipation reaches its peak as the latest preview and synopsis for episode 10 of the “Kinnikuman” Perfect Superhuman Ancestor Arc, titled “Magum Ten! The Devil’s Will!!,” have been unveiled. The show, airing on the “Agaru Anime” slot on 28 CBC/TBS affiliated stations across Japan, continues to captivate audiences since its debut on July 7, 2024.
In this thrilling episode, we witness the climactic showdown in the six-ring competition, narrowing down to the intense battle between Magunten and his formidable opponent, Strong the Martial Artist. Strong, known for his overwhelming presence and distinctive aura, stands as a unique challenge among the Perfect Supermen.
Magunten, despite being fully aware of the daunting challenge posed by Strong, chose to face him head-on. This choice stems from a profound connection shared among the “Seven Devil Supermen,” a bond that has significantly influenced their journey and decisions. Episode 10 promises to delve into the backstory of this deep-seated vow and the pivotal moments that have shaped their path.
As the final match unfolds, fans are in for an emotional and action-packed conclusion to this arc. Stay tuned to explore the intricacies of Magunten’s determination and the underlying story of loyalty and camaraderie among the Devil Supermen.