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Anime “Deliko’s Nursery” Interview Part 1: Anime x Stage Double Dali Conversation: Morita Masakazu x Someya Toshiyuki | The two talk about the appeal of the “TRUMP Series”The popular stage play “TRUMP Series,” which tells the epic history of vampires, has finally been made into an anime! The anime “Deliko’s Nursery” has been airing since August 7, 2024, and the stage play “Marionette Hotel” will be performed in Tokyo and Osaka from September 14!

A “Dali Talk” between Masakazu Morita, who plays Dali in the anime “TRUMP Series,” and Toshiyuki Someya, who plays Dali in the stage plays “Grand Guignol” and “COCOON: One Star” has been realized. We will deliver a lively and fun talk about the charms of the anime and stage plays, each other’s acting, and even Someya’s admiration for Morita.

–Sometani will be playing the role of Dali in the latest stage production of the “TRUMP series,” “Marionette Hotel,” and Morita will be playing the role of Dali in “Delico’s Nursery,” the first animated adaptation of the “TRUMP series.” How did you feel when you found out you would be playing the role of Dali?

Morita Masakazu (hereinafter, Morita): Let’s start with the senior who will be playing Dali.

Toshiyuki Someya (hereinafter Someya): I can’t believe he’s my senior… In 2017, I played the role of Dali in “Grand Guignol”, and in 2019, I was able to play the role of Dali in “COCOON: A Star in the Shadow of the Moon”. Just when I thought that would be the end, I was given the opportunity to play him again in “Marionette Hotel”, the prequel to “Grand Guignol”, and I am very honored.

Then when I read the script for “Marionette Hotel,” there were some things I didn’t know, so it felt like I was reading a novel.

Morita: I feel very honored to play Dali in “Delico’s Nursery,” the first animated work in the “TRUMP” series.

Generally, an anime, game, or manga comes first, and then a 2.5D stage play is often developed from there, but this time it’s a rare case where the stage play came first and then the anime branched out, so I thought it was a new content as well.

The “TRUMP Series” is already very popular, with many plays having been performed since 2009, and there are many fans. I remember being quite nervous when I auditioned.

Dali is also a vampire. I’ve always dreamed of playing the role of Dracula or a vampire… I’ve played the Grim Reaper and other non-human characters, but I’ve never played a vampire. I wanted to say, “Shall I suck your blood?” (laughs). I was happy that my dream came true, but I was surprised to see that it was also a set with “childcare” when I thought it would be a normal horror movie (laughs).

  • Mr. Someya, what were your thoughts when you found out that this was going to be made into an anime?

Someya: I was surprised. As Morita-san said, I have acted in plays that were adapted from anime before, but it was my first time seeing the character I played on stage become an anime.

I watched the first and second episodes of the anime and found it very enjoyable. The setting was also depicted in detail, and I thought to myself, “That’s right! They move around by horse-drawn carriage” (laughs).

–Please tell us what your impression was when you first played Dali, and if there was anything new that you discovered while playing the role.

Someya: After the “TRUMP Series” had already been performed, I got the opportunity to work on “Grand Guignol,” so I watched his previous works, and the first thing I thought was, “What a terrible guy Dali is.”





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