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The opening theme for “Goodbye Ryusei, Hello Life” has been decided! Additional voice actors include Sasaki Miki, Ishige Shoya, Amami Yurina, Asahina Maruka, Mizunaka Masaaki, Ogura Yui, Nozuyama Yukihiro, and Hino SatoshiThe TV anime “Goodbye Ryusei, Hello Life” will begin broadcasting on TBS in October 2024. The opening theme song for this work has been decided to be “Together Forever” by LUN8. A video message from LUN8 has been released.

In addition to the release of the key visual, it has been announced that Sasaki Miku, Ishige Shoya, Amami Yurina, Asahina Marika, Mizunaka Masaaki, Ogura Yui, Nozuyama Yukihiro, and Hino Satoshi will appear in the film.

In addition, a preview screening will be held on Sunday, August 18th. Takeuchi Shunsuke and five other cast members will be in attendance.

▲Released key visual

It was announced at the fan meeting that the opening theme song for this work will be “Together Forever” sung by Korean boy band LUN8. A video message has arrived from LUN8.

[LUN8 Official Website]

[Official X]

My name is Sasaki Miku, and I will be playing Deirdre.

I am very happy to be able to play the enchanting and beautiful Deirdre!

Although she gives off a cool impression, she is a kind-hearted woman who cares deeply for her friends. I tried to portray her strength and coolness, as well as the kindness that lies beneath them.

I hope you look forward to the gradual changes in the relationships between Doran and the others and Deirdre’s atmosphere!

I will be playing the role of Gio in “Goodbye Ryusei, Hello Life.”

What kind of journey will Doran, who was reborn as a human from a dragon, and the half-snake Selina and Christina go on? And how will Gio, who has a sense of mission as a member who keeps the forest together, interact with Doran and the others and face the difficulties they face? I hope you will pay attention to this.

Look forward to the broadcast starting in October!

I am honored to be involved in this heartwarming story as Fio, which depicts bonds that transcend race.

Fio is kind and flexible, able to treat everyone equally, and as an elf, she is strong-willed and provides firm support for her brother and leader, Gio.

Through her, I was able to learn about the connections between people and the fun of acting. During the recording, the atmosphere was just like the show, and it was warm and relaxing, but also exciting and fun! I can’t wait for it to air!

I will be playing the fairy Marl-chan. My name is Maruka Asahina, also known as Maru-chan, a human. I was very happy to be given the role, which is a familiar name!

Marl does her best with her small body to help Doran and his friends.

Be soothed by her cute appearance in the anime!

I am Masaaki Mizunaka, who will be playing the role of Georudo. Georudo enjoys fighting and has a personality that says, “Strength is everything!” His words and actions stand out as being rough, but I found his consistent behavior from the beginning to be refreshing.

I played him with the same passion as him! Please look forward to seeing how he will be involved in the story. Please look forward to the broadcast!


結果として、演者としてとても演じ甲斐のある大切なキャラクターになりました。特に、ラフラシアが活躍する魔界四騎戦は、見所がたくさんあるので見逃さないでくださいね…! ぜひ、今から放送をお楽しみに♪






<日時>2024年8月18日(日) 18時50分~


東京都新宿区新宿 3-1-26 新宿三丁目イーストビル 9 階



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