This work tells the story of Hojo Tokiyuki, the sole surviving heir to the collapsed Kamakura shogunate, who uses his talent for “hiding” to throw himself into difficult trials and battles in order to retake Kamakura.
In this article, we will bring you all the information about the main character, Hojo Tokiyuki! In addition to his strengths, which he uses to hide and run, we will also explain his personality and character.
*This article contains some spoilers.
He is the eldest son of Hojo Takatoki, the regent of the Kamakura Shogunate. Although he is the heir to the Kamakura Shogunate, he has a gentle personality and is not interested in status or power. He hates martial arts training so much that he runs away from it. When the Shogunate was destroyed by a rebellion by Ashikaga Takauji, whom he trusted, he lost his hometown, parents, and siblings at the age of 8. As a descendant of the Suwa clan, where he fled, Suwa Yorishige saw through his talent for hiding, and he honed his talent and aimed to retake Kamakura.
Even when he was living peacefully under the rule of the Kamakura Shogunate, Tokiyuki was constantly on the run from his martial arts instructor. He had outstanding hiding and running skills, so much so that even adults could not easily catch him if he tried hard. However, the adults around him called him “lazy” and “cowardly” and instead of being appreciated, they saw it as a flaw.
However, if you look at it from another perspective, the talent to hide is also the talent to survive. After the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate and his life being threatened, Tokiyuki’s talent blossoms even further as a “monster with a survival instinct.”
The amazing thing about Tokiyuki is that instead of running away in fear, he enjoys it. He absolutely loves the tense moment between life and death, and he feels so excited that his cheeks turn red when he narrowly avoids an enemy’s sword or an arrow.
Tokiyuki is a talented warrior who specializes in hiding, but when it comes to martial arts, he can’t be called strong. He’s a decent archer, but when it comes to swords, he’s so useless that he can’t even make a dent in a bundle of straw. According to Yorishige, Tokiyuki’s muscles are always preparing to run away, which is why he swings his sword hesitantly…
Even though he is not good at martial arts, he finds a way out by “running away.” He masters martial arts that are unique to Tokiyuki, such as firing an arrow while running away on horseback and slashing while retreating, and confronts powerful opponents.
Tokiyuki is the heir to the Kamakura Shogunate and a genuine young man, but he is not arrogant or cynical, and has a very honest and kind heart. Even after the Shogunate falls and he is betrayed countless times by people he trusted, his personality remains the same.
Tokiyuki is kind and caring towards his comrades, sometimes risking his life to protect his retainers, and sometimes acting as the rear guard (the most dangerous rear guard) when retreating in battle, and as such he wins the hearts of his comrades.
Tokiyuki’s retainers, the “Chōjātō”, are his subordinates who were attracted to his personality. They are all children around the same age as Tokiyuki, but each has abilities that rival those of adults. Although they are in a master-servant relationship, they have a friendly relationship with Tokiyuki.
is a shrine maiden at Suwa Taisha Shrine who can use the secret arts to control divine power. She is the butler of the Towakutō, a group that manages the household. She calls Tokiyuki her “big brother” and adores him. She is the same age as Tokiyuki.
Unable to bear the oppression of the provincial governor, Hoshina, a military commander of the Suwa Shinto Party, raised his troops and started a rebellion. However, due to the difference in military strength, there was no chance of victory, and as this would mean an all-out war with the province, Suwa could not send reinforcements.
Tokiyuki and the Towaku-tai were then given the mission of going to the Hoshina army, stopping the fighting, and allowing Hoshina and the people living there to escape safely.
これ以上ないほど高ぶった戦意を衰えさせるため、時行たちはできるだけ味方が死なないように戦を援護。それでも死ぬことにこだわり続ける保科に、時行は「貴方達は美しく死ぬ自分に酔ってるだけだ」「潔く死んでも何も残らない! せいぜい無力な子が残るだけだ!」と逃げて生き残るよう一喝。