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A special feature on beautiful cosplay from “Dolls Frontline”! Type 95, Kar98k, HK416, etc.“Dolls Frontline” is a very popular smartphone game whose Japanese version was released in 2018. It is a popular work, with the TV anime being aired from January 2022.

Anime / Manga

Today, we bring you cute cosplay photos of Type 95, UMP45, Kar98k, WA2000, and AR15 that appear in this work!

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

[Character] Type 95

[Character] HK416

[Character] Kar98k

[Character] G36C

[Character] UMP45

[Character] UMP9

[Character] DSR-50

[Character] G36

[Character] Springfield

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

★WorldCosplay is here

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

