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The official report of the opening ceremony of “Ultra Heroes EXPO 2024 Summer Festival IN Ikebukuro Sunshine City” has arrived! Yuki Totsuka and Kaho Mizutani from “Ultraman Arc” will be on stage!”Ultra Heroes EXPO 2024 Summer Festival IN Ikebukuro Sunshine City” will be held from Saturday, July 20th to Monday, August 26th, 2024.

The official report of the opening ceremony, which took place the day before the event, has arrived!

This summer, from July 20th (Saturday) to August 26th (Monday), the annual event [Ultra Heroes EXPO 2024 Summer Festival IN Ikebukuro Sunshine City] (abbreviated as Ursama) will be held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City!

At this event, a replica set of the Kaiju Disaster Prevention Science Research Institute (commonly known as “SKIP”), the facility where the main character Yuuma works in the latest TV series “Ultraman Ark,” which began airing on Saturday, July 6th, will be featured in the exhibition hall, as well as an area where you can experience an “Ultra Hug” where you are wrapped in the giant Ultraman that appears when transforming into Ultraman Ark! In addition to being able to enjoy the world of the work more deeply through the stage [NEW GENERATION THE LIVE] that will be held every day, there will be impressive diorama displays, and Ultraman Zero, who celebrated his 15th anniversary this year, will also be gathering on the live stage and in the exhibition area. There will also be a well-stocked merchandise corner and an “Ultra Shot” where you can take photos with Ultra Heroes, making it a must-see for “Ultraman” fans!

And now, on Friday, July 19th, the day before Ursama began, Totsuka Yuki, who plays the protagonist, Hise Yuuma, from the latest Ultraman series, “Ultraman Arc,” and Mizutani Kaho, who plays the heroine, Natsume Rin, appeared to hold the opening ceremony! With “Ultraman Arc” finally airing and attracting a lot of attention, they introduced the highlights of “Ursama,” which will run for about a month, and tips on how to enjoy it even more! In addition, they held a “media preview” where the media could get an early look at the exhibits in the venue, and a public dress rehearsal for the exciting stage show [NEW GENERATION THE LIVE].

Since last year, cheering out loud during the live stage, which had not been implemented during the COVID-19 period, has been revived, and this year, children from a nearby kindergarten were invited to attend the media preview, which began with the cheerful voices of children flying around. Before the stage event, a photo was taken with Ultraman Ark and Ultraman Zero against the backdrop of an exhibit that recreates the “Ultra Hug” by a giant Ark that appears when Yuuma transforms into Ultraman Ark in “Ultraman Ark,” one of the highlights of this year’s exhibition, and Totsuka, who plays Yuuma, and Mizutani, who plays Rin, immediately interacted with the children who had gathered. They smiled kindly at the children, whose eyes lit up with curiosity at seeing their idolized Ultraman and the two SKIP staff members who appear on TV.

At the opening ceremony, Tozuka appeared once again as Yuuma and Mizutani as Rin, greeted by children and specially invited Ultraman fans filling the venue. Amidst applause, Tozuka called out, “Hello everyone!” and smiled when the children responded with a big “Hello!” Mizutani also started the event with a lively greeting, “Let’s have fun today! I look forward to working with you!”

The first episode of the latest Ultraman series, “Ultraman Arc,” began airing on July 6th (Sat), and is currently airing up to episode two. When asked about his favorite scenes from the already full of highlights, Tozuka said, “I love the warm Ultra Hug! I think there will be many more transformation scenes in the future, so please look forward to them!”, highlighting an impressive transformation scene. Mizutani followed, looking back on Arc’s battle in episode two, saying, “I think the scene where he tickles Ark’s nose when defeating the monster Riod is very Ark-like and cute!”, highlighting the unique “unleash your imagination” battle scenes in “Ultraman Arc.”


また、開催期間中に自身の出演する日もある「NEW GENERATION THE LIVE」について、戸塚は「皆さんからもらう力は本当に大きなものだし、僕らからも皆さんに沢山のものを与えられるように頑張りたいと思います!」と意気込みを語り、水谷も「勇気と元気をもらえるよう素敵なステージになると思います。ステージと客席も近くて、みんなと一体になれるステージです!」と、間近で楽しめるヒーローたちの活躍に注目してほしいと語った。


さらに、恒例の変身ポーズも披露することになった戸塚。会場からの「走れ、ユウマ!」の大きな掛け声に合わせて、「ウルサマで…想像力を解き放て!」のセリフと共に見事に変身ポーズを決め、ステージ後方からウルトラマンアークが登場すると割れんばかりの拍手が!この日は、8月7日(水)からの「ウルサマ」後期のステージにのみ登場し、TVシリーズ本編にも登場しない特別な姿「ウルトラマンアーク サトゥルアーマー」がお披露目され、かっこいいウルトラマンアークの姿に会場が湧く中、フォトセッション時には、今年15周年のアニバーサリーを迎えるウルトラマンゼロを筆頭に、ニュージェネレーションウルトラマンの、ウルトラマンゼット アルファエッジ、ウルトラマンジード、ウルトラマンオーブも登場し、会場の熱量は最高潮に!ファンにとっては忘れられない特別な瞬間を、迫力満点に立ち並んだ5人のウルトラマンが彩った。

最後に戸塚は「熱くなってきて夏本番と共にウルサマが始まりますが、まずは皆さん体調管理に気を付けて。この夏をウルトラマン、そして、ウルトラマンアークと共に楽しみつくす。そんな夏にしてください! 」と、元気いっぱいで感謝の気持ちを伝え、水谷も「今日は皆さんから本当にたくさんのエネルギーをもらいました!一緒に最高の夏にしましょう!」と、優しく言葉を投げかけ、子供たちの声援と笑顔でいっぱいとなったセレモニーを締めくくった。



<オープニングセレモニー>17:00 開演


【場所】池袋・サンシャインシティ (東京都豊島区東池袋3-1-4 文化会館ビル4F 展示ホールB)

【ゲスト】戸塚有輝(『ウルトラマンアーク』主人公・飛世ユウマ役)、水谷果穂(『ウルトラマンアーク』ヒロイン・リン役)、ウルトラマンアーク、ウルトラマンゼロ、ウルトラマンゼット アルファエッジ、ウルトラマンジード、ウルトラマンオーブ


後期/STAGE2:8月7日(水)~8月26日(月) ※休業日:8月6日(火)

■会場:池袋・サンシャインシティ (東京都豊島区東池袋3-1-4 文化会館ビル4F 展示ホールB)




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