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“ONE PIECE” short story by Eiichiro Oda to be made into an anime! “MONSTERS” to be streamed on WOWOW On Demand from July 23rdIt has been announced that the anime “MONSTERS: One Hundred and Three Joys Hiryu Samurai Kyoku,” based on the short story “MONSTERS” by Eiichiro Oda of “ONE PIECE,” will be streamed on WOWOW On Demand, which distributes popular and anticipated anime, from midnight on July 23rd.

“MONSTERS” is a legendary short story written by the young 19-year-old Eiichiro Oda before the serialization of “ONE PIECE”. It is a swordplay action story that depicts the past of the samurai Ryuma, set in a town where dragons have appeared. It was published as a short story in the “Weekly Shonen Jump Special Edition 1994 Autumn Special”, a supplement to “Weekly Shonen Jump”, and was included in the Jump Comics “WANTED! Eiichiro Oda Short Story Collection” released in 1998.

“MONSTERS: The 103rd Love Hiryu Samurai Kyoku” is the long-awaited first anime adaptation, directed and written by Park Sung-hoo, who worked on the first season of the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” and “Jujutsu Kaisen 0 the Movie,” and produced by E&H production.

The voice actors include Yoshimasa Hosoya as Ryuma, the protagonist, a young samurai who wanders in search of the “soul of a warrior.” Kana Hanazawa plays Flare, the only surviving girl in a town that was attacked by a dragon seven years ago. Hiroki Tochi plays Cyrano, a first-class swordsman who continues his journey to retrieve the stolen dragon’s horn. Mitsuaki Madono plays the third-class swordsman Dr., and Kazuya Nakai plays the dragon, a symbol of “fear” that flies through the sky.

In Japan, the series was first released on Netflix and Prime Video in January 2024, and can now be enjoyed on WOWOW on demand.

The anime “MONSTERS: One Hundred and Three Joys Hiryu Samurai Kyoku,” based on the short story “MONSTERS” by Eiichiro Oda of “ONE PIECE,” will be streamed on WOWOW On Demand from midnight on July 23rd.

★Distribution information★

Title: MONSTERS 103 Joys Hiryu Samurai Kyoku

Distribution date: 7/23 (Tue) 0:00 AM ~

(C) Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

