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Please watch over Sakunahime as she grows into a charming “god” — An interview with Naomi Ozora, voice of Sakunahime, and Rika Kinugawa, voice of Kokorowahime, from the TV anime “Sakunahime of Rice and Ruin”The TV anime “Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin” began airing on Saturday, July 6, 2024.

The original game, currently on sale by Marvelous, is known for its focus on the extremely rare subject of rice farming, and depicts Sakunahime, who inherits the powers of the god of fertility and war, working together with mortal humans to develop the desolate island of Hinoe.

The biggest feature of the game is the overwhelming attention to detail in rice cultivation. There are an extremely large number of variables that affect the quality of the rice, and in order to produce good rice, careful attention to detail is required. Perhaps due to its realism, it has become a hot topic on social media, with people saying that “the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ official website is like a strategy wiki.”

The TV anime version has already become a hot topic, with a good balance between the story and rice farming elements. In this article, we asked Naomi Ozora, who is reprising her role as Sakunahime from the game, and Rika Kinugawa, who is playing Kokorowahime, about the highlights and appeal of their characters.

–You two have been deeply involved with “Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin” since the original work. What were your honest thoughts when you heard that such a work was going to be adapted into an anime?

Naomi Ozora (hereafter, Ozora): For a voice actor, being able to witness the anime adaptation of a work that you were involved in is something special… it’s something special! If you play a character in some way even just once, the character stays in your memory. Sakuna (Sakunahime) is a character that I’m particularly attached to, so I was really happy to be able to continue playing her.

Rika Kinugawa (hereinafter Kinugawa): I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I was convinced that it would definitely be made into an anime. Because the rice farming is depicted so realistically, the action is well-crafted, and the story is so moving. There’s no other game like this.

So when I heard that it was going to be made into an anime, I felt like, “It’s finally here…!” Moreover, all the cast members, including myself, were reprising their roles, so I was really happy.

Ozora: I was also happy with the reaction of the fans. Many people said to me, “I can’t imagine anyone other than Ozora voicing Sakunahime!” As a voice actor, there are no words that make me happier than that.

–For those who are experiencing “Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin” for the first time through the anime version, could you tell us again about the appeal of each character?

Ozora: At first, Sakunahime is lazy, a bit cheeky, condescending and arrogant, and even demands water and alcohol after waking up… She gives off the impression of being a self-centered girl, but that’s because she’s lived in an environment where she didn’t have to struggle until now.

Deep down, she has a strong will, and when she’s thrown into an environment where she has no choice but to work, her true reliability becomes apparent. From there, she develops strength, kindness, and love, and grows into an increasingly charming “goddess.” I hope you enjoy watching Sakunahime’s growth in the anime!

Kinugawa: Kokorowa is basically a shy girl, but she is also a strong-willed character who can say what she needs to say for her friends. In the scene where she persuades the reluctant Sakuna, she acts for her friend’s sake, as if she were admonishing her.

However, when it comes to herself, she tends to be quiet and has a hard time coming forward… In a slightly different way to Sakuna, Kokorowa is also depicted overcoming the barriers within herself, so I hope you’ll watch her grow up along with her.

–What scene in the anime was particularly memorable for you?

Ozora: The highlight is definitely episode 3, the rice planting song scene!

Kinugawa: Ah, it’s the same!





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