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In celebration of her birthday! What is the appeal of Kujo Ten from “Idolish Seven”? We’ve gathered together Ten’s charms and recommended songs as sent in by fans!July 9th is the birthday of Kujo Ten from “Idolish Seven”! So, in this article, we’ll be introducing all of Kujo Ten’s charms in commemoration of her birthday.

In addition to the basic profile, we have compiled a list of the characters’ charms, recommended songs, and notable scenes from the story, as shared by fans in a prior survey.

If you read this, you will definitely understand the charm of the idol Kujo Ten! Be sure to also check out the passionate comments from Ten fans!

*This article contains spoilers.


Age: 18

Height: 173cm

Birthday: July 9th

Blood type: A

Shoe size: 26.5cm

Weight: 58kg

Likes: Cats, fans’ smiles

Dislikes: Hot baths

Ten is the absolute center of TRIGGER. She is a top idol who always captivates fans with her angelic smile and perfect live performances. She always puts her fans first, and no matter how bad her health is, she refuses to miss a live performance or give a poor performance.

Ama-san is a professional who disciplines herself strictly, and sometimes shows an equally strict side to her fellow members and coworkers, but it’s all for the sake of her fans who support her. Ama-san is an idol that makes her fans think, “It’s good to like her, it’s good to support her.”

Ten often takes a strict attitude towards his coworkers, including group members Yaotome Raku and Tonosuke Ryunosuke. At first glance, he appears to be a very cold-hearted person, but in reality, he is a very loving person.

Although she is too embarrassed to say it out loud, she has a strong trust in the two members, and although she usually gives off a mature vibe, she sometimes shows a cute side appropriate for her age.

Additionally, although she has feelings for her adoptive father who raised her as an idol, she finds it difficult to express her true feelings due to her gratitude and affection for him. Although she doesn’t show it on the surface, Ten-san is a very kind person.

In fact, IDOLiSH7 member Nanase Riku is Ten’s twin brother. Ten used to entertain Riku, who had been confined to his room since he was a child due to a chronic respiratory condition, by showing him songs and dances.

When Ten was in junior high school, his talent was discovered by his future adoptive father, Takamasa Kujo, and he left home to become his adopted son, on the condition that he would pay off the debts of his parents’ struggling store and Riku’s medical expenses. Since then, he has been raised to become the greatest idol.

Even after leaving home, she continues to care about her younger brother, and when he tries to follow in her footsteps she worries about his health and criticizes him, becoming stricter with him, but it is all because she cares about him so much.

第3位に選ばれたのはTRIGGERの「SECRET NIGHT」。「醒めない夢をいっしょに」というフレーズが印象的で、常にファンを第一に考える天さん、そしてTRIGGERを象徴するような一曲です。デビューから間もない頃の楽曲ながらファンからの人気も根強く、今回ランクインを果たしました。

第2位は、小室哲哉さんが作曲したことでも知られる「DAYBREAK INTERLUDE」。とある人物の陰謀によって芸能界追放寸前にまで追い込まれたTRIGGERが、それでも諦めず表舞台に舞い戻った際の楽曲です。天さんをはじめTRIGGERの気高い精神とひたむきさが力強い歌声から感じられます。

第1位に輝いたのは、「Incomplete Ruler」。双子の弟であるIDOLiSH7・七瀬陸さんと実現した奇跡のデュエット曲です。お二人のハーモニーの美しさは格別で、うっとりと聴き入ってしまうだけでなく、涙が込みあげてくるような切なさを感じさせる歌声です。何よりも大切に思う弟といっしょにステージに立つことができた天さん。その姿を見守ってきたファンから多数の声が寄せられ、堂々の1位となりました。







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