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“Theatrical Compilation Bocchi the Rock!” Interview with Ikumi Hasegawa, who will be performing on stage at “ROCK IN JAPAN FES. 2024” as part of the band “Kyuubi Band” – what she keeps in mind during her live showsThe news broke that the box office revenue of “Theatrical Compilation Bocchi the Rock! Re:” (Part 1) exceeded 210 million yen in the first three days after its release, but even more than a year after the TV anime ended, the momentum is not stopping, and the band in the play, Yuzuru Band, will appear at huge rock festivals such as “JAPAN JAM 2024”. This summer, they will appear at “ROCK IN JAPAN FES. 2024” (August 4th), and then “Yuzuru Band ZEPP TOUR 2024 “We will””.

The critically acclaimed “Theatrical Compilation Bocchi the Rock! Re:” (Part 1) is currently showing to great acclaim, and while we eagerly await the release of “Theatrical Compilation Bocchi the Rock! Re:Re:” (Part 2) on August 9th, we spoke to Hasegawa Ikumi, who plays Kita Ikuyo, who is also a vocalist for the band Yuzuru Band, about the film and the live show.

-What did you think when you heard about the theatrical compilation?

Hasegawa Ikumi (hereinafter, Hasegawa): I didn’t really imagine it, but I think that doing something that has already aired on TV in theaters is only possible because there are fans who love it. So I was happy that there are so many people who support us and are willing to take the plunge.

This time, the only new recording was the song, and no lines were recorded other than the manners video that will be played at the theater, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s edited. I have the impression that every second of “Bocchi the Rock!” was fun.

–One of the great things about the theatrical compilation is that you can watch the live scenes on the big screen.

Hasegawa: Personally, I’m looking forward to that! I’ll be watching it with the sound of the theater, so I’ll want to raise my fist. I wonder if there will be something like a cheering screening? I’d like to do that (laughs).

–Since it’s available to watch in theaters, do you want new people to see it too?

Hasegawa: Of course. Because it’s a compilation, I think it’s made so that the story can be properly understood, and I’d be happy if people who have heard of “Bocchi the Rock!” but haven’t seen it before would watch it for the first time at the theater.

–There were a lot of people in the audience at the festival, weren’t there? I think there were probably some people there who haven’t seen the anime.

Hasegawa: That’s right! I’m sure there are people who became interested in us at the festival, and now the live video of “Yuzuru Band LIVE -Hoshisei-” is up on YouTube, and there are comments in the comment section saying that they were interested in us at “JAPAN JAM 2024” and came to see us, which made me really happy.

For those who have become interested in this, but don’t usually watch anime, even if they can watch anime whenever they want through streaming services, it may be difficult to watch all the episodes, so I think it would be a great idea for them to watch it in the theater once.

–You’ll also gain a better understanding of the music.

Hasegawa: That’s right!

-How did it feel to perform on stage at JAPAN JAM 2024?

Hasegawa: Actually, we don’t have that many opportunities to perform on stage as Yuuzou Band, and it was about a year since our last long live performance, “Yuzou Band LIVE -Hoshizora-“. But it was so much fun, and I fell in love with festivals! I even told my manager that I wanted to do a festival every month (laughs).

-What was it about it that attracted you?

Hasegawa: I really liked that atmosphere. I had never been to a festival as a customer, so it was my first experience. So the atmosphere and everything was fresh to me. I was walking around the venue before going on stage, and when I saw the atmosphere and the way the audience was enjoying themselves, it was so free.





長谷川:裏でアジカンさん(ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION)に楽屋挨拶をして、ステージよりも緊張するっていうことはありました(笑)。



長谷川:『JAPAN JAM 2024』は私にとって初フェスだったんですけど、ここでちゃんとやらないと、次に呼んでもらえないという気持ちもあったんです。しかも出るのはキャストでは私だけだったので、責任感というのはありました。だから、また呼んでいただけて嬉しいなって思っています。



それに、『JAPAN JAM 2024』のような大きなステージに立たせていただくからには、不安ですって気持ちで立つのは失礼だと思ったんです。いくら初めてだろうと、呼んでいただいたからには、そこに立てるようなバンドでいないとダメだと思ったので、そこはもう頑張ってやりました(笑)。


長谷川:すごいメンツの中に名前が並ぶことも増えてきました。アジカンさんは『JAPAN JAM 2024』でも一緒だったんですけど、次の『ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024』は、アジカンさんだけでなく、KANA-BOONさんやSAKANAMONさん もいらっしゃったので、縁のあるバンドが並んでいるなと思いましたし、実際にライブが見れたらいいな〜と思っています。

(※「Distortion!!」を、KANA-BOONのVo&Gt 谷口鮪が、「光の中へ」を、SAKANAMONのVo&Gt 藤森元生が提供している)



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