“Rosidere,” also known as “Arya-san, the girl next door who sometimes whispers in Russian,” is a youth love comedy that will begin airing in July and is based on a light novel by Sansan SUN, which is currently being published by “KADOKAWA Sneaker Bunko” and is also being serialized in “Magazine Pocket” as a comic book.
The story follows the daily life of the super high-spec beautiful girl “Alya” Alisa Mikhailovna Kujo, who has a Russian father and a Japanese mother, and the protagonist Masachika Kuze, who can actually understand that her Russian is not nagging but sweet words because he has native-level Russian listening skills. The TV anime will continue to feature Kohei Amasaki as Masachika and Sumire Uesaka as Alya, as in the original PV.
Episode 1 “Arya-san acting sweet in Russian” Synopsis
Arya was once again defeated in a confession from a senior and was rumored to be a perfect superhuman. The only time she showed a different side to Masachika, who was lazing around in the seat next to her, was for a moment.
Dozing off during class, playing social games on his smartphone during breaks, etc. While admonishing Masachika in Japanese, she would occasionally mutter sweet words to him in Russian.
However, the meaning of that Russian phrase actually reached Masachika…!?
The first episode of “Arya-san, the girl next door who sometimes whispers in Russian”, titled “Arya-san who gets lovey-dovey in Russian”, will begin airing on TOKYO MX and other channels from Wednesday, July 3rd.
“Arya-san, the girl next door who sometimes whispers in Russian”
[Broadcast information]
Broadcast begins on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 on 24 stations nationwide! *The broadcast start date may differ in some areas.
[Staff] Original story
: Sansan SUN (published by KADOKAWA Sneaker Bunko)
Original illustration: Momoko
Director and series composition: Ryota Ito
Character design: Yuhei Murota
Prop design: Ai Naruse, Kyoko Nagata
Chief animation director: Yuhei Murota, Tomoya Atsumi, Masahiro Kumagai, Ai Kikuchi, Yurika Sako, Ken Itakura, Majiro, Masato Katsumata, Osashimimaru
Art director: Risa Wakabayashi
Art setting: Yoshimitsu Ishihara, Hiroki Matsumoto
Color design: Yuka Ito
Director of photography: Seiichi Sugiura
Editor: Yoshiko Kimura (MADBOX)
Sound director: Takeshi Takadera
Sound effects: Yoko Sakurai
Music: Hiroaki Tsutsumi
Opening director: Chao Nekotomi
Ending director: Takafumi Kuwano
Production producer: Ryo Kobayashi
Animation production: Doga Kobo
Kuze Masachika: Amasaki Kohei Alisa
Mikhailovna Kujo: Uesaka
Sumire Suou Yuki:
Maruoka Wakana Maria Mikhailovna Kujo: Fujii Yukiyo
Kimijima Ayano: Aizawa Saya
Sarashina Chisaki: Kawase Maki Kenzaki Touya: Ishikawa Kaito
Taniyama Sayaka : Hasegawa
Miyamae Noa: Aoyama Yoshino
Maruyama Takeshi: Sakai Kodai
Kiyomiya Hikaru: Ichikawa Taichi
(C) Sunsunsun, Momoco/KADOKAWA/Alya-san Partners