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“Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A thrilling adventure in the world of games!” The official trailer has been released! Theme song single and original soundtrack to be releasedThe official trailer for “Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the World of Heart-Pounding Games!”, which will be released in theaters on Friday, September 13, 2024, has been released.

Anime / Manga

Additionally, a single CD containing the theme song and insert songs, as well as the original soundtrack for the work, are scheduled for release.

We have received comments from Ishii Ami, Kitagawa Rie, Ushiromoto Moeha, and Yoshitake Chihaya, who will be performing the theme song and insert songs.

The inserted song is a duet song by Ami Ishii and Rie Kitagawa, “Daisuki no Kizuna”. It’s a refreshing and light song. The ending theme song “Happy≒Future” is also a duet song by Moeha Ushiromoto and Chihaya Yoshitake! It’s a song that will warm your smile. This single contains two songs, so pay attention to “Kizuna” in this work.

In addition, the original soundtrack for “Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the World of Heart-Pounding Games!” will also be released. The music will be handled by Erika Fukasawa, just like the TV series. We are looking forward to the BGM and what kind of world view will be depicted.

I will be singing the insert song “Lovely Bonds” for “Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the World of Heart-Pounding Games!” I’m Ami Ishii!

In addition to the ending theme song of “Wonderful Precure!”, I’m very happy to be able to support the PreCure girls in the movie as well!

I sang this song with full power so that the Pretty Cures could feel that we are always connected by our bonds!! It is a song filled with warm and gentle feelings that will give you a push when you feel like giving up.

I hope this will become an uplifting song for the Pretty Cures and all their friends!

Please listen to it a lot along with the movie.

When it was decided that I would be singing the insert song “Daisuki no Kizuna” for “Wonderful Precure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the Heart-Pounding Game World!”, I almost cried when I heard that everyone from “Wonderful Precure!” and “Maho Girls Precure!” would be performing together. I’m truly happy to be able to participate as a singer in a collaboration with the work that I was in charge of the opening theme song for the first time, and I’m overwhelmed by this miracle.

And when I heard that it would be a duet with Ami Ishii, my heart was even more excited. We worked together in various places over the past year, and I was very envious of Ami’s fresh voice and her unique singing style. I wondered what kind of song I would sing with Ami, and it turned out to be a song that sounds just like a refreshing wind rushing by.

We listened to each other during the recording, and I feel that Ami-chan and I have developed a stronger bond. I sang this song with the feeling of supporting Precure as much as I can, as a driving force for them. I hope you will listen to it a lot!

I’m Moeha Ushiromoto, and I’ll be performing the ending theme song for “Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the World of Heart-Pounding Games!”

I’m very happy to be able to sing a duet with Chihaya-chan, who I’ve always admired.

I still don’t know what the story of the movie itself will be, but the lyrics of the ending theme song show that the Pretty Cures have grown a lot through the movie, and I wanted to deliver a song that has improved my level, so I thought carefully about how to express that when I went to record it.

It’s a song that is full of the positivity that is so characteristic of Wanpuri!

I hope that listening to this song will encourage everyone and make them feel more positive.

Please look forward to the ending theme song along with the movie!

This time, I will be in charge of the ending theme song for “Wonderful Precure! The Movie! A Great Adventure in the World of Heart-Pounding Games!” together with Moeha Usami! The wonderful adventure of the Pretty Cures♪ I’m really looking forward to it too!

“Happy ≒ Future” is a song about friends expressing their love for each other, and the fun and joy it brings is multiplied! I think it’s a warm and happy song that is full of the wonderfulness of spending time with friends☆

I hope that this song will warm the hearts of friends who enjoyed the movie!

Please enjoy the movie and the song!

■Release date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

■Price: [CD+DVD] ¥2,200 (excluding tax ¥2,000)

[Regular Edition] ¥1,320 (¥1,200 excluding tax)

■Product number: [CD+DVD] MJSS-09381-2/[Regular Edition] MJSS-09383

■ Tracklist



作詞:こだまさおり 作曲・編曲:馬瀬みさき



作詞:青木久美子 作曲・編曲:馬瀬みさき
























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