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A special feature on fascinating cosplay from “How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend”! We’ve picked out cosplayers who will be dressing up as Megumi Kato and Utaha Kasumigaoka!The anime “How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend” is based on the light novel by Maruto Fumiaki. In addition to being broadcast as two TV anime series, it is a popular work that also had a movie version released in 2019.

Anime / Manga

Today, we bring you a special feature on cosplay of characters from the series! We’ve picked out cosplayers dressed as Megumi Kato and Utaha Kasumigaoka.

*This article was produced in collaboration with WorldCosplay and was written in accordance with WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

[Character] Kato Megumi

[Character] Kato Megumi

[Character] Kato Megumi

[Character] Kato Megumi

[Character] Kato Megumi

[Character] Shiina Kasumigaoka

[Character] Shiina Kasumigaoka

[Character] Shiina Kasumigaoka

[Character] Shiina Kasumigaoka

[Character] Shiina Kasumigaoka

*This article was produced in collaboration with WorldCosplay and was written in accordance with WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

★WorldCosplay is here

Anime / Manga
Anime information site for English-speaking countries

