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Being a voice actor is “the meaning of life for me.” I hated myself for being so withdrawn. That’s why she admired anime characters who lived freely. Aoi Koga looks back on her path to becoming a voice actress.”Kaguya-sama: Love is War – Love Brain Battle of Geniuses” as Kaguya Shinomiya, “Hirogaru Sky! PreCure” as El-chan/Princess Elle/Cure Majesty, “Adored by Magical Girls” as Kiwi Aragawa/ Aoi Koga is a voice actor who has breathed life into various characters with her versatile expressions, including the role of Leopard.

Anime / Manga

The charm of Ms. Koga’s acting, which combines the softness of natural colors and the vivid strength, seems to be related to her way of life. Mr. Koga is from Saga Prefecture. After graduating from high school, she attended a voice acting vocational school in Fukuoka, and moved to Tokyo after passing the training school “81 ACTOR’S STUDIO” attached to 81 Produce. After her training period, she made her voice acting debut in 2014.

Mr. Koga was originally a shy person, but with the strong will he had hidden within himself, he turned his dreams into reality. While looking back on her career as a voice actress, we touched on Aoi Koga’s attitude toward work.

――Koga-san, you have been aiming to become a voice actor since your high school days. Please tell us what made you want to become a voice actor.

Aoi Koga (hereinafter referred to as Koga-san): I loved anime and watched it often since I was little. For example, the PreCure'' series aired on Sunday mornings, and Beyblade” aired in the evening. Also, for my generation, things like Inuyasha,'' Pokemon,” Detective Conan,'' and ONE PIECE.” However, at that time I didn’t know much about the profession of being a voice actor.

When I was in the third or fourth grade of elementary school, I was watching anime as usual, and after the main episode aired, a video featuring the voice actors appeared. There, I learned that there was a job like this, and became interested in the profession of voice acting. However…….


Koga: I couldn’t really tell anyone (bitter smile). As they gradually became more impressionable from elementary school to junior high school, there was a feeling of, Are you still watching anime?'' and it was hard to bring it up. I couldn't even tell my really good friends. So I just kept it a secret. However, there were times when I was told jokingly, It would be great if you became a voice actor!”, but at those times I just said, “I can’t become one” and took it seriously (lol).

It was in my third year of high school that I was finally able to express this to the people around me. It was the first time I talked to someone about career options and said, I'm thinking about this path.'' However, even at that time, she did not tell him that she wanted to become a voice actor, and only said, I want to become a radio personality, so I want to go to a vocational school.” That’s why I’m sure my high school teachers are surprised these days and say, “I wanted to be a voice actor!” (laughs)

–Did you tell your parents?

Koga: I ordered a vocational school pamphlet to my house and gave it a hint, but I couldn’t get it out of the way…But when I told my parents, I said, I want to be a voice actor,'' not a radio personality.” Ta.

–May I ask why you couldn’t tell anyone?

Koga: That’s how withdrawn he was. I’m really bad at expressing my opinions. Even at school, I was not good at presenting in front of people or reading out loud. I don’t like myself that way. But anime characters have various personalities and live freely, don’t they? I’m so jealous of that.

I wondered if I could experience that if I became a voice actor, which may be one of the reasons I admired that career path. A desire for transformation. From my point of view at the time, it was a dream-filled job, and I think I thought, “This is the meaning of my life!”

–You can become anything.

Koga: Since you can take on many different personalities, you can say things you wouldn’t normally say as a character.

–In that sense, perhaps it was because you had a shy personality that you realized the appeal of being a voice actor.

Koga: Maybe so. If she didn’t have that kind of personality, she might not have gone on to become a voice actress.

――This is a little off topic, but did you have any lessons when you were in elementary school?

Koga: At that time, I didn’t really take any lessons. I have an older brother, and back then we used to fight a lot, and I really wanted to beat him, so I went to a judo class at a nearby community center (lol). But since my brother joined in with me, I ended up losing…

――So you also had a manly side (lol). After thinking in your heart that you wanted to become a voice actor, did you ever practice at home?

Koga: I didn’t practice anything in particular, but I liked playing pretend with my friends. For example, you could create a setting that says, From now on, we're in a Western movie,'' and say, From now on, you’re Daniel.” (laughs) I guess it was a bit of a chuunibyou (lol). I liked that.

–So you liked expressing yourself as someone other than yourself.

Koga: That may be so. I remember that it was fun.

――You mentioned earlier about the anime you watched when you were in elementary school, but going a little further, what kind of anime did you watch after middle school?

古賀:中学生の時は『創聖のアクエリオン』を隠れて見ていました(笑)。親にも友だちにも言えなくて。夕方の枠で放送していたので、その時間に急いで帰るような生活をしていました。高校生になってからはアニメ好きの仲間ができて、嬉しい!って。そこで進められて、「key」作品にハマり、友だちの家で『Angel Beats! 』を一気見しました。そして感情がぐちゃぐちゃになりながら帰路につくっていう。











古賀:もうめちゃくちゃ楽しくて!(笑) 今まで自分が我慢していたものを全て受け入れてくれるし、「これをやったら変って思われちゃうかな?」って躊躇していたことを、やる子がいるんです(笑)。でもそれで正解で、こんなに自由で良いんだ、こんなに自分を出して良いんだって思っていました。めちゃくちゃ楽しい毎日でしたね。

――古賀さんはその後、81プロデュースの養成所「81ACTOR’S STUDIO」に入所されています。どういう経緯だったのでしょうか。

古賀:当時の私は、事務所のことなどはまったく知らず、2年生になってから初めて調べ始めたんです。でも結局ひとりじゃ分からなくて。そしたら学校の先生が「81プロデュースが良いんじゃない?」って声をかけてくれたんです。81プロデュースには「81ACTOR’S STUDIO」があって、養成期間は1年だけど、「ことば(演技)」のレッスンは3学期制で学期毎に実施されるオーディションによってクラスが選定されるから、モチベーション高くやっていけるし、いろいろな先生から教えてもらえるし、厳しいけどすごくやりがいがあると思うよって。



古賀:そうです! それを先生に話したら、81プロデュースだったらいろいろなところにつながりも持っているし、やりたいことができるんじゃない?って。それで「じゃあ、81プロデュースに行きます!」と(笑)。

――宣言を! すごい!

古賀:それで「81ACTOR’S STUDIO」のオーディションを受けることになりました。私は代々木アニメーション学院(福岡校声優タレント科)出身なんですけど、その中から「81ACTOR’S STUDIO」を受けたい人たちが、代々木アニメーション学院の東京校に集まって。そこにマネージャーさんや養成所のスタッフの方が来てくださって、試験をするんです。セリフとナレーションと自己PRと……。

――「81ACTOR’S STUDIO」と聞くと「81オーディション」を思い出しますが、それと遜色ないような試験なのですね。当時のことで覚えてらっしゃることはありますか?




古賀:「良かったね! 決まったら行くしかないね!」って送り出してくれました。それで、同じ専門学校に上京組がいたので、その子たちとルームシェアをする形で、東京に行くことに。ワクワクもありつつ、ドキドキしつつ。

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

